Missing features for "egxotic" style
My faculty has quite original citation style.
Citation is in format [AfnYyC], where:
Afn is...
1) when only one author, then Afn - first three letters of last name. (e.g. [Afn05])
2) when two authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names. (e.g. [AB05])
3) when three authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names. (e.g. [ABC05])
4) when more than three authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names followed by + sign. (e.g. [ABC+05])
Yy - short year format (no problem for this one).
C - "a", "b", "c" etc. - used when AfnYy is non-unique (e.g. [Afn05a] and [Afn05b]) - no problem here as well.
So as you can see, it is impossible to create this style due to CSL limitations.
Solutions anyone?
My thoughts:
1) I would upvote for IF statement for author-count. "+" sign problem could be solved either using IF author-count or "localizing"/changing "et al." value to "+".
2) substring method or attribute for author.
Let me know if it is somehow possible. Looking forward to your ideas. Thanks.
Citation is in format [AfnYyC], where:
Afn is...
1) when only one author, then Afn - first three letters of last name. (e.g. [Afn05])
2) when two authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names. (e.g. [AB05])
3) when three authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names. (e.g. [ABC05])
4) when more than three authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names followed by + sign. (e.g. [ABC+05])
Yy - short year format (no problem for this one).
C - "a", "b", "c" etc. - used when AfnYy is non-unique (e.g. [Afn05a] and [Afn05b]) - no problem here as well.
So as you can see, it is impossible to create this style due to CSL limitations.
Solutions anyone?
My thoughts:
1) I would upvote for IF statement for author-count. "+" sign problem could be solved either using IF author-count or "localizing"/changing "et al." value to "+".
2) substring method or attribute for author.
Let me know if it is somehow possible. Looking forward to your ideas. Thanks.
If yes, I would be thankful if you could share it.
Thanks a lot,
Is someone aware of such a style?
(Or a script which can put this format into the extra field? )
Thanks a lot
(another) Marc
Missing feature: In the preview in the style repository one cannot see what the citation will look like. (Would be interesting in such non-trivial cases)