Missing features for "egxotic" style

My faculty has quite original citation style.

Citation is in format [AfnYyC], where:
Afn is...
1) when only one author, then Afn - first three letters of last name. (e.g. [Afn05])
2) when two authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names. (e.g. [AB05])
3) when three authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names. (e.g. [ABC05])
4) when more than three authors, then Afn - first letter for each of their last names followed by + sign. (e.g. [ABC+05])
Yy - short year format (no problem for this one).
C - "a", "b", "c" etc. - used when AfnYy is non-unique (e.g. [Afn05a] and [Afn05b]) - no problem here as well.

So as you can see, it is impossible to create this style due to CSL limitations.
Solutions anyone?

My thoughts:
1) I would upvote for IF statement for author-count. "+" sign problem could be solved either using IF author-count or "localizing"/changing "et al." value to "+".
2) substring method or attribute for author.

Let me know if it is somehow possible. Looking forward to your ideas. Thanks.
  • A short-term hack would be to use an unused field in Zotero (e.g. "Extra"), and use it to store the author-key part (Afn, AB, ABC, or ABC+), this you would need to do by hand (or you could hack together some script). Then modify the style to use this field instead of the author-yield, and I guess you're set.
  • @domas: i have the same problem as you have. I wanted to ask you if you already came up with a script as mentioned by rintze?

    If yes, I would be thankful if you could share it.

    Thanks a lot,
  • edited July 4, 2009
    One longer-term solution is to point out to people that define these styles is that they make no sense in the 21st century, and suggest they change them. These kinds of rules are unreasonably difficult to implement, with absolutely no benefit for readers.
  • I want something very similar, but easier: First three letters from the first authors family name and then short form of the year and then abc if necessary for avoiding duplicates:


    Is someone aware of such a style?
    (Or a script which can put this format into the extra field? )

    Thanks a lot
    (another) Marc

    Missing feature: In the preview in the style repository one cannot see what the citation will look like. (Would be interesting in such non-trivial cases)
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