How to stop citations reverting during 'Zotero Refresh'

I'm having to adapt the MLA style to fit the requirements of a relatively new journal (Victoriographies, style sheet here: They require a particular form of the author date system that doesn't correspond to any of the available Zotero styles in the repository - which is annoying. I don't have the time to figure out how to set up a new style, though I should get around to this sometime.

My problem is that if I tweak the parenthetical citations (adding the date for example), all amendments to the citation are lost when I hit Zotero Refresh. Is there any way around this?
  • You'll want to build a proper style definition in CSL. That will take some work, but it's really the only way to get things right. From a quick look at the style guide, I don't see anything that CSL 1.0 can't cope with smoothly.
  • Thanks, that's what I thought.
  • technically the way around is the "show editor" window in the plugin - the problem is that once you use that the citation will never refresh to any changes, including a complete change in citation style - so that's really not recommended.
  • Tweaking existing styles according to your needs is not too difficult. You could be done in under an hour so it might be worth the effort. Here are some examples of simple edits.
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