new style for KZfSS
I created a new style for Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie and tried to submit it via TurtoiseSVN. I'm not sure if I succeeded as it doesn't appear in the style repository.
I've uploaded it also here:
(click "gmx mediacenter starten" and choose the KZfSS file)
I must say it's quite a hazzle to submit a new style.
Also, there was one thing I couldn't resolve. If I change the language settings in the about:config Zotero will also translate "et al." into "u.a.", but it should always be et al. according to the journal's specification (see also: I'd appreciate if someone could hard code "et al."
I've uploaded it also here:
(click "gmx mediacenter starten" and choose the KZfSS file)
I must say it's quite a hazzle to submit a new style.
Also, there was one thing I couldn't resolve. If I change the language settings in the about:config Zotero will also translate "et al." into "u.a.", but it should always be et al. according to the journal's specification (see also: I'd appreciate if someone could hard code "et al."
once you get the hang of it it's quite easy -
and we always offer to upload styles for people intimidated by SVN.
I'll have a look at hard coding the et-al wants the style shows up in the repository - should be possible by defining terms for the German locale in the beginning.
it's true, it's not too difficult, once you've figured it out.
thanks for looking into the et al.-issue. I'm curious to see how that is done.
<locale xml:lang="de">
<term name="et-al">et al.</term>
in the beginning, right under </info>
Also, I've renamed the files you submitted with lowercase letters, which apparently is easier for zotero to deal with.
I am interested as well in the KZfSS-Style but unfortunately your link doesnt work anymore... :(
Are you still out there??
Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Current KZfSS output looks like: However, it should look like: In summary:
1) The order date has to be switched from month-day to day-month.
2) Long month names like August are shortened to Aug. etc.
I do not know whether there is an explicit rule when to separate title and sub-title with a point "." or double point ":" I follow the rule to use a point "." for German entries and a double point ":" for English entries. From what I can see, most KZfSS do the same.
EDIT: Updated style is in the official repositoryölner