Citing meeting transcripts in APA style

Hello everyone!

I am trying to figure out how I can cite transcripts of meetings using Zotero. Here is an example:

In fact, I am not sure, what the correct form of citing such a source in APA would be, so any insights on that front would be highly appreciated as well.

Thank you!
  • I would just cite this like a web-document, with most information in the title:

    Something like
    Internet Governance Forum (2011). IGF Open Consultation Geneva, Switzerland
    18 May, 2011 [online transcript]. Retrieved from:

    IGF Open Consultation Geneva, Switzerland 18 May, 2011 [online transcript].
    Into the title field. Remember that the main purpose of a citation is to make clear to a reader what the document is and how to find it in a standardized way.
  • Thank you Adam!
    It's a start, but i'll have to continue playing with it. In the context of my writing, it would be logical if the in-text citation would include the complete date of the meeting (e.g. May 18, 2011), because it is important piece of information. I don't think that using the web-document form will do the trick.
    If you or anybody else have other ideas, please share.
    Thank you!
  • the in-text citation in Zotero's APA never includes the complete date, so you'd have to adjust the style to get that. (For what it's worth, I could also not find a single example of APA using anything else than year in various style guides - but I don't have the actual APA guide here).
  • edited June 22, 2011
    Yes, I just flipped through an actual guide and could not find anything suitable. Will have to find a work around.
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