Date accessed for Web page citations lost when exported as RIS and imported to Endnote X!

Hi everyone

Does anyone know why the accessed date for citations created from Web pages in Zotero do not transfer across to Endnote X1 when exported in RIS format? All the other information (title of site, date of article, url, abstract and notes) comes across fine but when I view the record in Endnote there is no date accessed. I can add it manually but that is frustrating when importing large numbers of records and the date is already saved in Zotero. I tried exporting in other output styles but none of those worked either and RIS format is importing more accurately than any other format except for the access date.

Many thanks

  • You can open up the exported RIS file in a text editor to see if the info is being exported from Zotero or if it is being ignored in RIS. Its possible that RIS does not support date access dates. You can see the full RIS spec here
  • When you export a reference in RIS from EndNote, is the access date present, and, if so, what RIS tag is used?
  • Just wondering if anyone found a solution to this. I am having the same problem when importing to endnote( web pages losing access dates).
  • that depends - can you provide an answer to Dan's question? If the RIS export doesn't have the accessed date there will not be a solution for this. If the date is in the RIS it's possible to adjust the RIS import accordingly. Search the forum for that, it has been discussed before.
  • If I export a web page from Endnote I get, for example :

    TY - ELEC
    AU - Leeuw, Hans
    TI - Electrumpet
    Y2 - March 19, 2009
    N1 - Electrumpet
    N1 - trumpet sensing power point presentation
    Y2 - March 19
    UR -
    ID - 47
    ER -

    But I am looking to go the other way. It looks like the access dates aren't exported from Zotero. My apologies if this all seems basic and has been covered. I did a search of the archives before my initial post but didn't come across the solution.

  • Are either of those March 19 dates in the above example the access date value from EndNote? The RIS spec doesn't specify a field for date accessed.
  • edited April 4, 2009
    Hi Dan,
    Sorry for the delay in replying. The only things I have entered for that reference (Web Page) in Endnote are :

    Access Year
    Access Date
    March 19

  • Hi again

    Sorry for the delay - things got busy at work in between. Thanks to all those who replied. It looks like there is no solution given RIS doesn't support the accessed date? I can't find any other export formats that are working in endnote.

    A shame - it would make things a lot quicker if the date accessed imported into endnote.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions

  • Hi - just wondering, I have the same problem with Refer/BibIX. When I export from Endnote, the access date is tagged %N. But the access date doesn't appear in the text version when I export from Zotero. Any possibility that this could be fixed?
  • %N is typically the issue number in the Refer/BibX format. Where do they export this in Endnote? And what happens when you import the file back into Endnote?
  • Sorry, I'm not quite sure I understand when you ask where they export this in Endnote. To be clear:
    My Zotero reference, when exported to Endnote, doesn't retain the accessed date in the Refer/BibIX export file (txt) when exported.
    In Endnote, when I export a file into Refer/BibIX that includes an accessed date in the Endnote record, it tags that field with %N. When I import that into Endnote, however, it doesn't import it into the accessed date field.
    If I import a Refer/BibIX text file witha field tagged %N back into Endnote, that imports fine.
    If I export out of Endnote a record with an accessed date into Zotero, and then re-export back into Endnote, I also lose the accessed date field.
    Would be grateful for any help with this mystery!
  • edited February 2, 2010
    In Endnote, when I export a file into Refer/BibIX that includes an accessed date in the Endnote record, it tags that field with %N. When I import that into Endnote, however, it doesn't import it into the accessed date field.
    If I import a Refer/BibIX text file witha field tagged %N back into Endnote, that imports fine.
    there seems to be a typo in this.
    Is "When I import that into Endnote, however..." supposed to read "When I import that into Zotero, however..."?
    Otherwise I don't understand
  • Sorry, I'm not quite sure I understand when you ask where they export this in Endnote.
    How do they export the issue number, which is supposed to use %N, if they are exporting the accessed date as %N instead?

    If you are able to round-trip the data in Endnote (as it sounds like you sometimes are), it'd be useful to know what item types do and do not export the access date.

    [Conversely, if the access date is not retained by Endnote when it is imported back in, there's nothing Zotero can do to get around this inherent limitation of both the Refer format and of EndNote.]

    EndNote seems to be making data that does not conform to the Refer/BibIX specification. This may or may not let them work-around the spec's limitations, but I don't know if it really ideal that Zotero should also produce "bad data that works with some applications."
  • Resurrecting this. Dan asked (way back):
    Are either of those March 19 dates in the above example the access date value from EndNote? The RIS spec doesn't specify a field for date accessed.
    I was thinking that perhaps the Y2 field might be appropriate? Anyone know how that fits with broader usage of RIS?

    If that works, would be nice to add to the import/export support.
  • I am having the exact same problem as mentioned above. Zotero does not seem to export web accessed pages with 'date accessed' in them. I've tried various formats, .RIS Bibtex etc. I 've also tried imports to EndNote and PapersV2 and they both do not have date accessed in them.

    What a bummer. I'm not really sure that I've covered all the bases but it would seem to be an issue with the Zotero side of things on export.

    Any help would be awesome. Anything to avoid using Word is great. :))
  • You're correct that none of these formats maintain the access date. I don't think we've determined which field the data should go in; once we do that, we can add it to our exports and imports.
  • edited July 22, 2011
    Thanks for getting back ajlyon. I believe a colleague of mine may have passed on a possible solution. I hope it works out for you guys, and once again thanks.

  • Hello there again, just wondering if there was any advancement on this topic? And keep up the amazing work.
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