Could not save item from ACM Digital Library


I'm new to Zotero.

I'd tried to save this item from the ACM Digital Library:, but it didn't work, I've received a "could not save item" message.

I've tried to save other items from ACM and it worked (such as

Any clues?
  • Looks like an error in the translator-- it was choking on items without a DOI. Fixed on trunk (; it'll go to clients in the next release of Zotero or when Dan pushes it.
  • Possibly the same error, but it's also choking on items in their magazine archive, e.g.,

    (an excellent article, by the way :-))

    Interestingly, when you access the same article through the Digital Library, it works fine, e.g.,

    I see that there's a DOI on that, though.
  • The magazine archive doesn't have a translator; Zotero just catches the DOI. And the DOI isn't legit-- it has no data in the CrossRef database. ACM should probably be notified of this-- they should look into sending the correct data to CrossRef.
  • I think the issue just came out -- maybe the DOI hasn't propagated yet?
  • I don't know much about the workings of the DOI system. Maybe. In any case, we don't yet have a translator for Communications, so this isn't an error with the ACM Portal, but just one of the many DOI metadata issues that arise daily.
  • edited June 9, 2011
    wrong thread, please remove
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