Style Request: Global Ecology and Biogeography

Hi all,

I would like to request a style file for Wiley's "Global Ecology and Biogeography".
Luckily it seems to be quite close to Bioinformatics Journal:

Similar style:
* Bioinformatics Journal,


* citation in the text:
- (M. Reiter and P. LaPointe, 2007) --> (Reiter & LaPointe, 2007)
- (Markus Neteler, 2010a, 2010b) --> (Neteler, 2010a, b)

* References:

# note the white space before ,N and after the first of several names which is also needed:
Achee,N.B. et al. (2006) Use of remote... --> Achee, N. B. & Moore, P. D. (1999)
(2006) Use of remote

Needs to be in Italics:
- title of book
- title of edited book

Invert order for edited books and give eds names in brackets:
- author, chapter title. Book title (ed. by Name1, Name2, and Name3), pp. pages, publisher, town.

* Link to style guide:
* A free PDF:

My attempts to modify the Bioinformatics Journal style myself failed...

thanks in advance
  • I figure this is too late now? Is this still needed?
  • Hi

    No it would be great if you can include this new style as well as the style for "global change biology".

    Thanks in advance.


  • OK, will take a little time.
  • I am also interested in the style for "Global Ecology and Biogeography"
    How long will it take to implement this style?
    Thanks in advance.
  • I don't know - when I have time and feel like it. A couple of weeks or so?
  • ok, I'd need the style within the next week.I'll see if I can help myself.
  • happy to help if you get stuck.
    and more detailed:
    are starting points
  • edited June 8, 2011
    I already found one problem I can't solve so far.
    When citing books the word "edition" ist abberviated with "edn" in Global Ecology and Biogeography.

    <text term="edition" form="short" suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
    gives me the abbreviation "ed" which actually stands for "editor" am I right?
    I can't find a possibility to change this.
  • redefine the term as per here:
    most styles use ed. for edition, too.
  • Thank you for your help.
    I have another question:

    <term name="edition" form="short">edn</term>
    <term name="editor" form="verb">ed. by </term>

    <macro name="editor">
    <names variable="editor" delimiter=",">
    <label form="verb" prefix=" (" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" " strip-periods="true"></label>
    <name sort-separator=", " and="text" initialize-with="." delimiter=", " suffix=")"></name>

    works quite fine, except for the "." in "ed. by " There is no output of the "." in the bibliography. It works with a "," or a ":" but not with the ".". What could be the reason?

    On the other hand I also don't get the clue how <label form="verb" prefix=" (" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" " strip-periods="true"></label> refers to the term I set in the locales.
  • As I finally also found the collapse="year-suffix" option I think that I edited all the differences neteler pointed out and also some others.
    The last problem I'm aware at the moment is the one I stated above.

    The style already works good enough for me, but before adding it to the style repository someone with experience should have a look on it.
  • As for your questions:
    The period is stripped by the strip-periods="true" attribute you set on the cs:label element. Delete strip-periods="true" and the period will appear. (To clarify: all terms are definied with periods in the abbreviations in Zotero's locale files - if you don't want periods you add the strip-periods attribute, if you want periods you leave it out - for that reason I'd actually recommend defining edn. with a period and then stripping it later, i.e.
    <text term="edition" form="short" strip-periods="true"/> - doesn't make a difference, but your style will be in line with CSL conventions.

    To explain
    <label form="verb" prefix=" (" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" " strip-periods="true"></label>
    label elements are attached to variables that can require different labels - e.g. a name can be an editor or a translator - the label changes accordingly to ed. or trans. (the same is true for the labels for locators, which can be pages, paragraphs etc.). That's why the label variable in your example produces "ed. by" - if you changed the editor to an author in Zotero it would read "trans. by". form="short" means it uses the abbreviated version - i.e. "ed. by" instead of "edited by" and form="verb" means it uses a verb to describe the function - i.e. "edited by" instead of "editor(s)". Hope that makes sense.

    When you're done, here are instructions for sharing the style:
    once you put it on github I'll take a look and upload it to the repo if everything looks ok.
  • edited June 9, 2011
    Thanks again. I didn't realise the strip-periods option in my script.
    I already knew more or less what lable does, but didn't realise that it is always attached to a variable.
    I still didn't get the difference of name and text elements, but I will hopefully find this in the style language specification.

    I think I will upload the style script, which is hopefully not too chaotic, tomorrow.
  • I've uploaded the style file:

    It worked fine for me, but I don't think it's perfekt already.
  • thanks - I'll let you know once I uploaded and if it needed any changes.
  • OK, it's up - looked great overall - I had some issues in the beginning so I took out all the extended end tags (i.e. </text> etc.) and replaced them with /> at the end of the line. The only other issue was the update date - you either need to put a full xml timestamp, or leave it empty
    I didn't check every detail of the style of course, but citations look good in general.
  • Thanks again for checking, uploading and for your good advice.
  • Hi,
    thanks a lot for preparing the style! There is one small error: the abbreviation of the first name of the author comes sometimes up in the text citations, while the journal requires that only the last names are given in the text citations. Would it be possible to change that? Or is it just a problem I have (since the abbreviations come only up in some but not all citations)?
    Many thanks in advance.
  • There is one small error: the abbreviation of the first name of the author comes sometimes up in the text citations, while the journal requires that only the last names are given in the text citations. Would it be possible to change that? Or is it just a problem I have (since the abbreviations come only up in some but not all citations)?
    Probably the latter. The initials get added when there's some ambiguity in your data. E.g. if you have one item by "Jane Doe" and another by "Steve Doe," then using only last name is ambiguous, so the processors adds the first initial.
  • what bdarcus says - more details here:
  • Many thanks for your quick answers and help!
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