Creating a citiation style


I trggling to get citations properly formatted. I am using the Openoffice plugin. The institute (AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe) needs the following layout:

When citing, I have to use the firt four letters of the author, or the first two letters if there are 2 Authors, followed by the publication 2 digits year...

[HoWo03] would then refer to the entry below.

HoWo03: Gregor Hohpe, Bobby Woolf, Enterprise Integration Pattterns,
1. Auflage, Addison-Wesley, Amsterdam 2003

Is it possible to create such a style with Zotero/ CSL?


  • No. What you need in this case is essentially a style-specific algorithm for generating a citation key. CSL doesn't really care about that; it just says "put the key here" (using the "label" variable).

    This is an interesting issue, though. There's been talk about allowing configuration of how keys are generated within Zotero. But in this case, you don't need a global setting; you need to be able to set it in the style.

    Hmm ...
  • Creating the key manually would work fine too. The problem is, would it get used by the different citation styles?
  • Just if someone want to have a look at it, here is the guideline. Unfortunately it is in german
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