Error #1124729528

Zotero is unendingly syncing and will not let me do anything, no grabbing, no creating new records, no using the word plug-in to make footnotes or bibliography.

First, it said I had 65 documents that were changed in multiple locations but was going really slowly to look through them all and accept the merged option, so I restarted firefox. Now, it is just syncing forever and I can do nothing. I am using a iMac desktop running Firefox 3.6.17 and MAC OS 10.4.11. I do not seem to be having the same problem on my Thinkpad with the same zotero account.
  • Not sure I understand - is there any reason you can't turn syncing off to get Zotero running? You can later do a manual sync, but first you'd want to make sure Zotero is running fine w/o the sync.
  • I'm not really clear on what the problem is you're reporting now, but I see repeated full downloads of your entire library over the last couple hours.

    If you're getting repeated conflict resolution messages, see

    If Firefox is freezing, that's just Zotero processing the download. Don't force-quit it, or it'll just happen again.
  • Thanks for responding.

    I don't understand the significance of the fact that you see repeated full downloads of my entire library over the last couple hours. Could you explain why this is important to my problem?

    I am not getting repeated conflict resolution messages. I have not gone through all 65 and approved them. Initially I got 65 conflicted documents. then I restarted firefox (only the one time). Now, I am not even getting the message that I have conflict documents. Instead it is syncing endlessly and no zotero functions are working. Maybe these two problems are not even related? I am fine letting the sync play out without force quitting, but shouldn't zotero functions be working even while it is syncing?

  • Should I do what Adamsmith said and turn syncing off and see if zotero works? If so, how do I do that?
  • Ah, OK - Zotero may stall when it's processing downloaded data from a sync - so yes, let this run out - shouldn't take forever though.
  • new development: I accidentally closed my zotero tab and when I reopened it it will not load and I got a message saying there was an error starting zotero. No longer syncing.
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