second-field-align for author-year style

Hi there,

I am using a author-year style (e.g. apa.csl) for my bibliography, however, I hope to number all the cited literature in the bibliography section. I try to change the following section of apa.csl:

<option name="hanging-indent" value="true"/>
<option name="et-al-min" value="8"/>
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="7"/>
<option name="entry-spacing" value="0"/>
<option name="line-spacing" value="2"/>
<key macro="author"/>
<key macro="issued-year" sort="ascending"/>


<option name="second-field-align" value="flush"/>
<option name="et-al-min" value="8"/>
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="7"/>
<option name="entry-spacing" value="0"/>
<option name="line-spacing" value="2"/>
<key macro="author"/>
<key macro="issued-year" sort="ascending"/>
<text variable="citation-number" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>

However, the align seems to begin after authors' group. I hope the align begin after the citation number. How to deal with it.

Or, another question, can the amount of indent be set by user?

Any suggestions or comments will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • edited May 21, 2011
    I don't know what you mean with "the align seems to begin after authors' group".
    Also, where are you looking at this? For all things formatting, the test panel ist pretty much useless - you need to install the style and actually create a bibliography.

    edit: You can set the indent in word/ooo by adjusting the "bibliography" style
  • I install the style and create a bibliography in WORD. "the align seems to begin after author's group" means I see there is a tab position sign after "author1, author2, and author3", i.e., "[1] author1, author2, and author3->". IEEE style, which use second-field-align, will give "[1]->author1, autho2, and autho3". Here, "->" is a tab position sign.

    Well, adjusting the "bibliography" style in WORD is an alternative way. Thanks!

  • edited May 21, 2011
    Ah, OK, that could possibly be a bug - what happens if you sort your style by citation number, i.e.
    <key variable="citation-number" />
    <text variable="citation-number" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>

    leaving everything else the same? Does it work correctly (as in [1] --> author1) then?
  • No, it gave the same result as my statements in the previous post...

    <option name="second-field-align" value="flush"/>
    <option name="entry-spacing" value="0"/>
    <option name="line-spacing" value="1"/>
    <key macro="author"/>
    <key macro="issued-year" sort="ascending"/>
    <key variable="citation-number"/>
    <text variable="citation-number" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
  • please post your style as a public gist to (or upload it somewhere else convenient) and I can see if I can replicate this.
  • Well, i post it here:
  • thanks, will take some time, though.
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