Feature Request: Show who added / edited the (group) item and sorting on last updated

On items in the (Group) Library I cannot see who added or edited the item. For example an article, but also notes. This was requested by several members of my team. Could this be made possible or am I overlooking an option?

Secondly, we would like to see what item has been recently updated. This is currently already possible, however we would like to see this on the aggregation level (ie. top level) for child items. Meaning that for example the date should change on the top-item when I am adding/updating a note attached to this item. This, together with the above feature, would make it possible to have discussions on items right in Zotero.
  • I cannot see who added or edited the item [...] Could this be made possible or am I overlooking an option?
    It's possible on the website. It's not yet possible in the client, but it's planned.
    Meaning that for example the date should change on the top-item when I am adding/updating a note attached to this item.
    What you're describing would pretty much have to be a global change in Zotero that applied to local libraries too. It's possible it should work that way, but I'm not sure. There might be other ways to address this (though no great ideas spring to mind).
  • Ad #1: Cool!

    Ad #2: Do you really think so? Maybe I havent made myself entirely clear and therefore it is perceived as too complex. If I would add a column to the view called "Last Updated" (or any other name for that matter) and I assume that the list is gotten from a select statement from sqlite it would not be too difficult to make sure that this date is the last date by which any of child items have been edited right?


    Book X updated 1/12/2001
    note Y updated 2/2/2008

    Then 2/2/2008 should be on top.
  • But now you're proposing something entirely new, namely that there be a whole separate (virtual?) "Last Updated" field just for group items, separate from Date Modified (which it sounded you like you were referring to above). That's a possibility, I suppose, but I'm not sure it makes sense to introduce a whole new field/column.

    This isn't an issue of technical complexity. My point is simply that figuring out the proper solution here isn't as straightforward as you make it sound.
  • It's great that, I can see who has added the item in the group on the webpage and specially under "Recently added items". However, I really miss a column in the client so I can see for all items how has added them. Over the webpage, selecting every item takes way to long. Is this coming in the nearer future?
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