Create Item and Note from Selection and Punctuation

I've been having a lot of trouble getting the "Create Item and Note from Selection" or "Add Selection to Note" functions to copy the text properly--when I do that, it renders things like apostrophes as & apos (no space) etc. instead of as actual punctuation marks. If I copy it into gedit or some such first and then into a note it will copy properly, but it's annoying to have to do that for every note. Is there a way of fixing this behavior?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 , Firefox 3.6.13 if that helps.
  • edited November 16, 2010
    For example, I wanted to quote the poem from this book on Google Books:

    The first few stanzas should look like this:

    From The Beginning Of The Sixth Book Of
    Ovid's 'metamorphoses'

    PALLAS attentive heard the Muse's song,
    Pleased that so well they had revenged their wrong,
    Reflecting thus,—A vulgar soul can praise,
    My fame let glorious emulation raise :
    Swift vengeance shall pursue th' audacious pride 5
    That dares my sacred Deity deride.
    Revenge the Goddess in her breast revolves,
    And straight the bold Arachne's fate resolves.
    Her haughty mind to Heav'n disdain'd to bend,
    And durst with Pallas in her art contend. 10

    No famous town she boasts, or noble name ;
    But to lier skilful hand owes all her fame;
    Idmon. her father on his trade relied,
    And thirsty wool in purple juices dyed ;
    Her mother, whom the shades of death confine, 15
    Was, like her husband, born of vulgar line.
    At small Hyptepse though she did reside,
    Yet industry proclaim'd what birth denied :
    Al l Lydia to her name due honour pays,
    And ev'ry city speaks Arachne's praise. 20

    But Zotero copies it like this:

    From The Beginning Of The Sixth Book Of
    Ovid& apos;s & apos;metamorphoses& apos;

    PALLAS attentive heard the Muse& apos;s song,
    Pleased that so well they had revenged their wrong,
    Reflecting thus,—A vulgar soul can praise,
    My fame let glorious emulation raise :
    Swift vengeance shall pursue th& apos; audacious pride 5
    That dares my sacred Deity deride.
    Revenge the Goddess in her breast revolves,
    And straight the bold Arachne& apos;s fate resolves.
    Her haughty mind to Heav& apos;n disdain& apos;d to bend,
    And durst with Pallas in her art contend. 10
  • I have this problem as well and could REALLY use an answer. I'm using Windows 7 and FF4.0 with Zotero 2.1.5.

    Example: I highlight the text, "The way we typically define them, we call data 'quantitative' if it is in numerical form and 'qualitative' if it is not." in the page at and then use the context menu to select "Create Zotero Item and Note from Selection."

    The note that is created presents the text as "The way we typically define them, we call data 'quantitative' if it is in numerical form and 'qualitative' if it is not."

    Using the "Add Selection to Zotero Note" option in the context menu exhibits the same erroneous behavior.

    If, however, I copy and paste the text into an existing note, the apostrophes are fine.

    I've eliminated any other extensions as the culprit by disabling all of them except for Zotero and getting the same results.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • This is already fixed in 2.1.6.
  • cool...

    for future reference, what is the policy on keeping the version on the Mozilla site ( current? I tend to rely on the automatic update function in FF but if you guys don't maintain that listing, then i should probably make other arrangements.

    For the record, my personal preference is that new, stable releases be made available instantaneously via the FF add-on update facility. If this isn't likely to be the case, I just want to know what to expect. Does Zotero have the ability to automatically check for updates directly on I know I can manually look for updated translators so... I just thought maybe... you know...

    Thanks for your help!
  • zotero does update directly and automatically from if you install from there, yes.
  • has a review process for every release. It takes a while, so not all versions even make it there. Install from
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