Import Bibtex from Citavi: Keywordseperator


i imported from citavi some entrys via bibtex. The keywords in the file are delimited by ; and not by comma.. I did not find the correct way how to handle but it is not very nice in the tags bar having very long tags! So there are 4 possibilites to solve:

1) manually replace in the bib file ; with a comma
2) improve the import and recognize automatically
3) improve the import with a option for a delimiter
4) think about a function which can produze string operation after imports.. becuase such format problems can be occur very often..?!
5) let it be :)

However this are my thoughts and maybe it will be fixed or not.. ;)


postscriptum: i am using zotero beta 2.1b2
  • Option 1 is the recommended one. If you do these imports frequently, you can modify the BibTeX translator yourself.
  • It's not only Citavi that separates keywords with semicolons. Therefore I'd strongly recommend to implement either option 2 or 3. (The delimiter could also be selected in the settings, rather than with each import.)
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