Style Request: Manchester UP (monographs)

I wonder if anyone has put together a Manchester University Press Style. It is available here:

Many Thanks,

  • Okay, I've started creating my own version in CSL. Miraculously, I managed to figure out how to delete the publisher, but beyond that it's a bit of a slog. Could anyone help me:

    1. Change double quotations to single quotations. (For article and chapter titles.)

    2. Add 'pp.' when I'm citing multiple pages, but 'p.' for single ones. (If, however, I'm citing an entire chapter or article, I need to include the page numbers WITHOUT the pp.)

    3. Change format for volume/issue information in journals from:

    Social History 5, no. 1
    Social History 5:1

    Unfortunately, there are many other issues (moving editors from after the book title to before the book title, taking the "." out of "eds."

    Should I explore shelling out for "endnote"?

  • Should I explore shelling out for "endnote"?
    that's entirely up to you.

    I gave you a link on how to request styles.
    There is also documentation on how to change styles yourself in more detail
    there are several hundred different styles on the repository,
    including some that seem closer to what you need - have a look at Social Studies of Science, for example.

    I am happy to help you with specific questions about style editing, but I don't even know which style you are basing MUP on - and it doesn't seem like you picked one that works particularly well.
  • Sorry - I missed one of those links the first time. Will have a look.

    I'm basing MUP on Chicago, but as you note, that is likely a mistake. (If there is a style that works for Cambridge UP, that one would work as well, but I don't see it on the list of styles either.)

    Thanks again,

  • Adam,

    Thanks for your help. It looks to me like "History Journal" is pretty close to what I need. I have found a few changes and some glitches. I managed to delete the publisher without any trouble, but there are a few places I can't fix.

    I know that you requested a link to a "good" style sheet, but inexplicably it does not exist. The style sheet that Manchester provides includes the publisher, but they don't want it. It also insists on only first initials, but that is also incorrect.

    In any case, this is where I've gotten working with "History Journal":

    o Problem: Uses short title for initial references
    o Solution: Use full title for initial, short title for subsequent

    Omits Journal Issue Numbers:

    I am trying to get both the volume and issue number , separated by colon. The current style only includes the volume number.

    For example:
    Is: Samuel S. Thomas, ‘Midwifery and Society’, Social History of Medicine, 16 (2003), pp. 1-16.

    Should be: Samuel S. Thomas, ‘Midwifery and Society’, Social History of Medicine, 16:1 (2003), pp. 1-16.

    This is particularly problematic for the journal Past and Present as it does not use volume numbers.

    In edited volumes, I would like to delete the comma after editor's name and place "ed." in parentheses:

    Is: Brian Short, ‘The Evolution of Contrasting Communities within Rural England’, in Robert Smith, ed., The English Rural Community: Image and Analysis (Cambridge, 1992) pp. 20-1.

    Should be: Brian Short, ‘The Evolution of Contrasting Communities within Rural England’, in Robert Smith (ed.), The English Rural Community: Image and Analysis (Cambridge, 1992) pp. 20-1.

    The apparent glitches include:

    When you refer to a book section in a single authored book, the title is repeated. For example: Christopher Hill, ‘The Protestant Nation’, in ‘The Protestant Nation’, The Collected Essays of Christopher Hill, Vol. II: Religion and Politics in 17th Century England (Amherst, 1985).

    When you refer to the introduction that is written by the editors of a book, the book title appears as the chapter title.

    Is: Phil Withington and Alexandra Shepard, ‘Communities in Early Modern England’, in Alexandra Shepard and Phil Withington, eds., Communities in Early Modern England: Networks, Place, Rhetoric (Manchester, 2000) pp. 1-15.

    Should be: Phil Withington and Alexandra Shepard, ‘Introduction’, in Alexandra Shepard and Phil Withington (eds.), Communities in Early Modern England: Networks, Place, Rhetoric (Manchester, 2000) pp. 1-15.

    If what I'm asking or trying to do is beyond the pale, please let me know.

    Thank you very much,

  • For the issue number
    find the macro "volref" and change it to

    <macro name="volref">
    <group delimiter=":">
    <text variable="volume"/>
    <text variable="issue"/>

    For the editor, in the macro "container-editor"
    find the line
    <label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="."/>

    and change it to
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)"/>

    For the doubled title glitch remove the line
    <text macro="title"/>
    from the macro "container-editor"

    For the introduction glitch you probably have something wrong in the Zotero database - this should be correct with the current style.
    The two authors should be listed twice - once as authors, once as editors - and the title of the item should be Introduction. Book title should be Communities in Modern....

    Hope this all makes sense, any problems let me know.

    Btw. note that history journal doesn't have a bibliography - it just uses footnotes/endnotes.
    You can still use the style if you also need a bibliography, but will need to copy and slightly modify the <citation> section into a <bibliography> section
  • Adam,

    Thanks for this and for the note on the other forum. (Like the invisible hand, you're everywhere!) I'll put these up tomorrow and see what happens. I agree that switching to Endnote would be crazy, but I was feeling that way!


  • Okay! This is coming together!

    Can I trouble you for a couple more fixes?

    I've still got only the short titles in my initial reference, and I need to go with the long one for first and then the short one from that point forward.

    I'm still having trouble with the title of the introduction, and it seems to be linked to the style rather than the database. When I use my modified style (MUP2), I get:

    Phil Withington and Alexandra Shepard, ‘Communities in Early Modern England’, in Alexandra Shepard and Phil Withington, eds., Communities in Early Modern England: Networks, Place, Rhetoric (Manchester, 2000) pp. 1-15.

    If I change the style to Chicago-Full, the correct title shows up, and the endnote changes it to:

    Phil Withington and Alexandra Shepard, “Introduction,” in Communities in Early Modern England: Networks, Place, Rhetoric, ed. Alexandra Shepard and Phil Withington (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000), 1-15.

    [Should I post my style here?]

    I'm also still wrestling with the parentheses around "ed.", but might be able to fix that.

    Thanks again!

  • Fixed the parentheses issue - this is actually kind of fun now.

  • Okay, I fixed a most of these problems, but have one left.

    I modified the style so that it now gives the long title in the initial reference (I changed "Short" to "Long" in a few key places.) The problem I now have is that it also gives the long title in subsequent references.

    I imagine I need to insert some code to tell it when to use, which title, and I poked around in some other styles, but couldn't make it click.

    Once this one is taken care of, I might be done!

    Thanks again,

  • edited August 20, 2010
    If it helps, here is the complete style:

    <style xmlns="" class="note" xml:lang="en">
    <link href=""/>
    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
    <name>Julian Onions</name>
    <summary>History journal style</summary>
    <category term="numeric"/>
    <category term="history"/>
    <rights>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License:</rights>;
    <macro name="author">
    <names variable="author">
    <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)"/>
    <names variable="editor"/>
    <names variable="translator"/>
    <text macro="title"/>
    <macro name="author-short">
    <names variable="author">
    <name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", " />
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)"/>
    <names variable="editor"/>
    <names variable="translator"/>
    <text macro="title"/>
    <macro name="container-editor">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text term="in" suffix=" "/>
    <names variable="editor">
    <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)"/>
    <names variable="container-author"/>
    <names variable="translator"/>
    <macro name="editor">
    <names variable="editor">
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)"/>
    <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
    <names variable="translator"/>
    <macro name="title">
    <if type="thesis">
    <text variable="title" form="short" prefix="‘" suffix="’"/>
    <else-if type="book">
    <text variable="title" form="long" font-style="italic"/>
    <text variable="title" form="long" prefix="‘" suffix="’"/>
    <macro name="publisher">
    <group delimiter=": ">
    <text variable="publisher-place"/>
    <macro name="date">
    <date variable="issued">
    <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
    <date-part name="year"/>
    <macro name="volumes">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text variable="number-of-volumes"/>
    <text term="volume" form="short" plural="true"/>
    <macro name="pageno">
    <if variable="locator" match="none">
    <label variable="page" suffix=". " form="short"/>
    <text variable="page"/>
    <macro name="pageref">
    <label variable="locator" suffix=". " form="short"/>
    <text variable="locator"/>
    <macro name="volref">
    <group delimiter=":">
    <text variable="volume"/>
    <text variable="issue"/>
    <macro name="container">
    <if type="chapter">
    <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
    <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" form="short"/>
    <layout suffix="." delimiter="; ">
    <if position="subsequent">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text macro="title"/>
    <text macro="pageref"/>
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="author"/>
    <if type="thesis">
    <text macro="title" />
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group prefix=" (" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
    <text variable="genre"/>
    <text macro="publisher"/>
    <text macro="container"/>
    <text macro="date"/>
    <text macro="volref"/>
    <text macro="pageref"/>
    <else-if type="book">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="title" />
    <text macro="editor"/>
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group prefix=" (" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="volumes"/>
    <text macro="publisher"/>
    <text macro="container"/>
    <text macro="date"/>
    <text macro="volref"/>
    <text macro="pageref"/>
    <else-if type="chapter">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="title" />
    <text macro="container-editor"/>
    <text macro="container"/>
    <text macro="volref"/>
    <group prefix=" (" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="volumes"/>
    <text macro="publisher"/>
    <text macro="date"/>
    <text macro="pageno"/>
    <text macro="pageref"/>
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="title" />
    <text macro="publisher"/>
    <text macro="container"/>
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text macro="volref"/>
    <text macro="date" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
    <text macro="volumes"/>
    <text macro="pageno"/>
    <text macro="pageref"/>
  • I'll have a look over the weekend
  • OK, cool, you're indeed almost done. Glad you're having fun figuring things out - that's exactly how I started
    The part that determines what's in subsequent citations is
    <if position="subsequent">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text macro="title"/>
    <text macro="pageref"/>

    Now what you want is to us a different title macro here - look how Chicago style (Full note) uses macro="title-short" for example. Why not do the same: Replace the line 'text macro="title"' with text macro="title-short".

    Now you still have to write that macro. It doesn't matter where you put it as long as it's somewhere between the other macros - I'd recommend putting it right under the "title" macro. You can probably just copy your "title" macro, rename it, and replace every "long" with "short"

    so right before
    <macro name="publisher">

    <macro name="title-short">
    <if type="thesis">
    <text variable="title" form="short" prefix="‘" suffix="’"/>
    <else-if type="book">
    <text variable="title" form="short" font-style="italic"/>
    <text variable="title" form="short" prefix="‘" suffix="’"/>

    If the short titles look different, modify this accordingly.

    Some other things - it would be great if you could post the final style so I can upload it to the repository (you could also do that yourself, but that's also a little involved and might not be worth it unless you are going to write many more styles).

    For that purpose a couple of requests:
    - add your name as author and move Julian to a contributor field (see other styles for examples).
    - Give the style a meaningful title (Manchester University Press Monographs - or something like that).
    - the last part of the id line should not contain capital letters.
    - the last part of the "link" line should be the same as in the id line
    - the link rel=documentation line should contain a link to the styleguide you used.

    You can either post the style here or, even better, post it as a public gist to - makes things even easier for me.
    Any problems on the way let us know.
  • edited August 23, 2010
    Okay, now we're really close, and my last(?) question may have nothing to do with this, so I'm going to go ahead and post the code to github. (Gist = 546174)

    When I have double quotations within single quotations for an article title such as this:

    ‘"Modernization" and the corporate medieval village community in England: Some sceptical reflections’,

    I get the "dumb" quotations seen here. Is there any way to get the "smart" quotations into a chapter/article title?

    Thanks! (At least until I try to get a bibliography!)
  • No, not really. You can copy smart quotes into Zotero (and into Firefox: “see?”)
    but it won't import them from sites and catalogues (all of the import formats are plain-text based) and it puts out whatever is in the field.

    I guess that means it is possible if you want to go through the trouble to manually replace the dumb quotes with smart ones... but from my perspective that means "not really".
  • edited September 8, 2010
    Is this going to be posted in the style repository? I too am having issues with citations in the UK (I am American, but have committed myself to the UK styles of grammar/spelling)
    This seems to address many of the issues that are shortcomings of the Chicago style, that some universities (in this case Int History Dept of the LSE) reccommend (UK quotes in citations, pp./p. for page numbers rather than none, dates generated in DDMMYY in the citations themselves)

    Thanks to you both for going through this project!
  • I'd be happy to post it.
    There is a version here:

    download by righ-clicking on "Raw" on the top right and saving as

    (you'll have to add the .csl)
    then drag the saved file to any open Firefox window.

    Sam - is that the most recent version?
  • Thanks for the info.
    Now that I have installed it, it seems address much of what I need, but unfortunately does some funky things I do not need. Many thanks regardless.

    Adam, can you point me in the direction of something that is essentially Chicago, but inserts pp./p. for pages, and uses single quotes?
  • MHRA doesn't work? I always thought that was the UK equivalent to Chicago.
  • It does some other undesirable things, unfortunately. For example, items that are listed as books, but have URL info listed on them, are generated with an access date. It also does not put in p./pp. for pages.

    Not big problems for me yet, though. THanks for your help.
  • OK, style is now, belatedly, up on the repository.
  • Thanks Adam!
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