Google notebook/Zotero transferability?

Is it possible to to transport google notebook material into zotero? If so, how?

Is it possible to publish zotero folders in the same way that one is able to publish google notebook folders?

Both features would be extremely helpful.
  • I'm also looking to transport my Google Notebook stuff into Zotero, which I hope can eventually replace google notebook completely.

    For now, though google notebook is the easiest way for me to take notes on my office computer and have them immediately available at home or wherever I go with my laptop.
  • I'd like to third this request...I am also using google notebook a lot
  • Yes, I'm interested in importing from google notebook too. It is possible to export from the notebook as a doc, html or atom format. Does this help for importing into zotero

    By the way, Google Notebook development is ceasing!
  • Ok, a clunky way if you have say a list of links in a google notebook. Export as a html page, and then drag each link in zotero
  • If you can export all of your Google notebook items in one swoop, say as HTML, into a fileyou could just select all items inside that file and drag them into Zotero in one move.

    If you want to bring over individual hunks of text you can highlight the text, and select "save as Zotero note".
  • Another request for info how to export Google Notebooks contents into Zotero. I am halfway finished with research on a book, and I have all of those files stored in Notebook. With the announcement of it closing down, I think I need to switch, and Zotero makes the most sense (probably should have been on it in the first place, but opted for GN becasue it was so much simpler). I have exported the notebook into Google Docs, and moved a copy into Zotero already. But I have worked so hard on setting up the structure of chapters and creation of tags in GN, and would like to duplicate this electronically to Zotero. Is the only solution currently available to manually drag and drop? Please help!
  • Hi Zotero folks, I have a Google Notebook account with dozens of individual notebooks, many of them with several hundreds of notes (one has over 1700). Therefore, individually dragging and dropping is not a realistic option for me.

    I also cannot import some of the notebooks into Google docs because they are so large -- the server just fails. Nor can I import the notebooks to Zoho as of yet (I just wrote to their tech service people).

    I would love to be able to use Zotero from now on but have 99% of my notes still on Google Notebook -- please help me transfer them somehow! Thanks.
  • You should really take this up with Google. If there was some sort of way to export your entire Google Notebook in one fell swoop it would, most likely, be trivial to, for example, drag and drop a whole stack of exported text files into Zotero. If Google does not want you to be able to export in this fashion there is little that other tools can do.
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