bibliography at the end of paper

sorry, this is surely a stupid and eays-to-answer-question, but after searching a long time I did not find an explanation how to generate a comprehensive bibliography out of all my cited references at the end of a paper.

(the paper is really long, it is 200 pages long, I hope it works nevertheless...)

    "To generate a bibliography from all the items you have referenced, click the “Zotero Insert Bibliography” button"
  • ...ok, I am ashamed, I knew there should be a most easy "button" or something, I just did not find it.... thanks. (final phase of phd, completely not being able to think anymore...)
  • no worries - I kind of admire your courage to write 200 pages before testing this, though ;-)
  • haha!
    probably right. just a sign how much I trust those kind of open-source-based software inventions with such great features like forums where people really DO answer very quickly.

    I did not solve one of my biggest problems with zotero up to now though - the "same-year-same-author"-references-problem where zotero sometimes (only sometimes) does not recognize this an does not put the a-b-c-extension. I did post this question some time ago. but still, the problem stays the same....
    I will have to do those adjustements manually in the end, I guess..
  • depends on the timing. This is solved in 2.1 (currently in beta) - if you're mostly done with your PhD I wouldn't recommend fully upgrading, but you could install 2.1 on a separate computer or FF profile once it's out (which is going to be in weeks, probably) and see if it works for you.
  • ok, interesting hint!
    I just checked this, I seem to use zotero 2.0.9 currently, plus the word processor integration 3.0b1.
    I should be finished with the phd in april - not a good timing to upgrade?
    what risks do I take if I do upgrade?
  • the problem is if you upgrade fully you can't go back easily - but if you upgrade a _copy_ of your database and a _copy_ of your paper for testing purposes you will be fine.

    My recommendation would be to try this towards the end, when you'd otherwise start manually editing citations - the whole process shouldn't take more than 20mins, so it's definitely worth a try if it saves you manual editing.
  • ok, got it. I'll do it like this. THANKS!
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