Where is the dang NOTES button????

I have followed all directions for storing my documents however....I would like to create notes but the notes button that the tutorial keeps referring to is not there???? Help please...
  • I'm not familiar with the tutorial, so perhaps you can clarify: Are you talking about

    a) creating annotations directly on documents


    b) creating attached notes within the regular Zotero interface (http://www.zotero.org/support/notes)?

    If you're talking about a) then it would be relevant to know the format of the documents you're trying to annotate, and either way it would also be relevant to know the version of Zotero you're using, etc.
  • I just downloaded the most current version. I have never used Zotero before so...I am trying to get a feel for everything and in the process...I'm getting very frustrated. Okay...so I want to take all of my pdf and word files (research studies) and load them in Zotero, then create note cards for each of them. When I do, there is no option in the right menu for creating note cards. So, I just spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out why I couldn't create note cards. I then went to the actual website where I retrieved the documents and from the website, I was able to create notes. PHEW! I am pretty computer literate and to tell you the truth, I almost gave up on this.

    My questions:
    Why can't I create notes from my saved files? I see that I can create stand alone notes but...I would like the notes to be attached to be associated with the files.

    How do I insert references into notes?

    Thanks SO much for your help. I think if I can find what I need with this program, it might be a huge help in my research!
  • Add items and attach your files and notes to those items:
  • I am not a zotero expert, but I think I understand what you mean. There is a difference between:

    a) loading a document directly into zotero as a top-level entry


    b) creating a reference entry as a container for the document, and then loading the document as an attached file

    In scenario b), when you click on the reference entry, there will be four tabs on the right side of the screen, one of which is for notes. Technically speaking, these notes are connected to the reference entry rather than to the attached document.

    In scenario a), there will be single space on the right side of the screen in which you can take notes, but the tabs are not present and you can not create more than one note.

    In my case, if I have a document and I want to take notes on it, I usually create a reference entry and then load the document as an attachment (scenario b).

    Does that answer part of your question?
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