I don't seen a Zotero error in that error report. Can you re-generate it after triggering the error and also go into more detail about what problem you're actually experiencing?
Linux Mint Debian, fully updated
Sun Java 6.0.22
Openoffice 3.2.1
Zotero 2.0.9
Zotero error 1059252485: but seems also unrelated.
Very long error message from Java subrutines called when inserting citation in a Openoffice document. The citation appears just as a number not as a field.
It works sometimes just for the first insertion on a test document but then it crashes with the same long Java error message. The message may require to be closed between 2 to dozens of times (no pattern of behabiour).
I reinstalled java (removed any 3er party java/JRE), zotero plugin's.
I just reinstalled java JDK to give a try.
I usually copy the whole zotero tree between Linux, windows and pendrives to have the whole set of PDF documents. Zotero itself works smoothly.
quim - we have seen that error in relationship to tables - if you're posting a citation in a table, or in a footnote that's in a table you'd get this error. Not worth trying JDK - that doesn't currently work with Openoffice.
adamsmith - Thanks Not related to tables at all. Only 1 table without any citation
Java JDK: Thanks, and no fix as you suggested. It was just a last resort trying to renew whole java 'subsystem'.
If starting a blank document citation works in OOwrite with word'2003 format document. If I retry with my document I should close 63 times (aprox.) the same error window (always the same).
It may be related to the fact that the document was early modified with 'modifications control enabled'. But we applied all modifications and saved, We have selected, copied and pasted the whole the text (without any 'active' zotero reference in it) to a new '.doc' document without succes.
First citation in the affected document only appears as a plain number, not as a 'field'. When trying the second the long error 'loop'
As I should finish the manuscript revision by 48h I am switching to manual citation...
I will send the long error from a screen capture to support@z.org
Rolling back the Openoffice zotero extension may work ??
Reinstalling Openoffice does not work either
Problem appears on new blank document but with only 4 times the error message.
In may original document with 7 zotero references I got error 230 times !. Just one time more when I forced exiting Firefox.
Tested on my 'legacy' Linux computer.
- Linux Zenwalk 6.4 (stable, slack 13.1 based) kernel 2.6.33, Updated today.
- java 6.0.20
- zotero 2.0.9 empty database, now filled with just 6 references, no sync to my account.
- Openoffice integration 3.0b3
- Openoffice 3.2.0
- Create new document file
- insert some dumb text
- insert citations
Same long error when trying to insert the second citation. The first citation was inserted just as 'plain text'. The java error window has appeared 6 times
So, the problem seems related to the Openoffice integration 3.0b3 for linux.
I will check if it happens in WinXP...
This is a known issue with bookmarks and certain builds of OpenOffice.org based on go-oo. Use ReferenceMarks, or install an updated version of OpenOffice.org.
That is the actually experiencing of the rapport :
[JavaScript Error: "labelGetUbuntu is null" {file: "chrome://ubufox/content/overlay.js" line: 82}]
When I try to put a citation on a writer document, an error page comes and stops firefox.
I do not understand why.
Linux Mint Debian, fully updated
Sun Java 6.0.22
Openoffice 3.2.1
Zotero 2.0.9
Zotero error 1059252485: but seems also unrelated.
Very long error message from Java subrutines called when inserting citation in a Openoffice document. The citation appears just as a number not as a field.
It works sometimes just for the first insertion on a test document but then it crashes with the same long Java error message. The message may require to be closed between 2 to dozens of times (no pattern of behabiour).
I reinstalled java (removed any 3er party java/JRE), zotero plugin's.
I just reinstalled java JDK to give a try.
I usually copy the whole zotero tree between Linux, windows and pendrives to have the whole set of PDF documents. Zotero itself works smoothly.
Any idea ?
Not worth trying JDK - that doesn't currently work with Openoffice.
Java JDK: Thanks, and no fix as you suggested. It was just a last resort trying to renew whole java 'subsystem'.
If starting a blank document citation works in OOwrite with word'2003 format document. If I retry with my document I should close 63 times (aprox.) the same error window (always the same).
It may be related to the fact that the document was early modified with 'modifications control enabled'. But we applied all modifications and saved, We have selected, copied and pasted the whole the text (without any 'active' zotero reference in it) to a new '.doc' document without succes.
First citation in the affected document only appears as a plain number, not as a 'field'. When trying the second the long error 'loop'
As I should finish the manuscript revision by 48h I am switching to manual citation...
I will send the long error from a screen capture to support@z.org
Rolling back the Openoffice zotero extension may work ??
Problem appears on new blank document but with only 4 times the error message.
In may original document with 7 zotero references I got error 230 times !. Just one time more when I forced exiting Firefox.
Tested on my 'legacy' Linux computer.
- Linux Zenwalk 6.4 (stable, slack 13.1 based) kernel 2.6.33, Updated today.
- java 6.0.20
- zotero 2.0.9 empty database, now filled with just 6 references, no sync to my account.
- Openoffice integration 3.0b3
- Openoffice 3.2.0
- Create new document file
- insert some dumb text
- insert citations
Same long error when trying to insert the second citation. The first citation was inserted just as 'plain text'. The java error window has appeared 6 times
So, the problem seems related to the Openoffice integration 3.0b3 for linux.
I will check if it happens in WinXP...
It works fine with Word'2003 in WinXP and updated modules: I'm busy writing now !!.
I will give a try to Openoffice 3.3 / LibreOffice 3.3.1, but probably then with Zotero 2.1, along next weeks.