MacWord crashing when I insert a citation


i'm a new zotero user and this is the third big problem i've hit. maybe this one will have a solution (the others--"temporarily slow/nonfunctional" syncing and loss of important formatting when i import from endnote--seem insoluble)!

i just installed zotero for MacWord 2011. now when i try to add a citation Word crashes after a couple seconds. When I restart it, my citation is gone (of course, 'cause it crashed without saving), and the process begins anew.



  • This sounds like a Word issue. Since Zotero communicates with Word using only publicly available interfaces, it should not be possible for Zotero to make Word crash. Does this happen in a new document? Does Insert->Field also make Word crash?
  • i just tried inserting some fields. seemed to work fine. i've recreated the scenario above a few times: i use the little manuscript icon to "add citation", then select the style (i've tried a few different ones), then select the citation and page number in the window that opens. the citation gets added to my word document, and i can scroll down to view it, but after, like, 10 seconds MacWord reports that it must quit. so it doesn't crash immediately, only after a few seconds. MacWeird. whether it's a zotero issue or a MacWord issue, it renders zotero unusable for the moment. any thoughts?

  • quick refinement (am i really the only person having the problem outlined above?): MacWord doesn't crash until I try to use firefox again after importing a zotero citation into my document. everthing is fine until i call firefox up from the dock or even click on it if it's already up. then MacWord crashes--not firefox!

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