Sync : FTP


I'm looking forward to using zotero sync. I have sftp/ftp access to my home system using linux/ssh, but I can't use webDAV storage because port 80/8080 traffic is blocked for me, as they (and all outbout http traffic) are likely blocked for many other ISPs. Would it be possible to have zotero sync work over sftp (preferably) or ftp? This would enable everyone using ssh/ftp to use their home connection and storage.


  • We're not able to offer SFTP, as there's no support for the SSH protocol in Mozilla. We don't have any plans to support FTP (which is an awkward, insecure, outdated protocol).

    But if you have SSH access, you can use SSH tunneling to tunnel port 80 and get secure WebDAV access to your home system.
  • I'll try that out, thanks.

  • I wish to know more about "how to do SSH tunneling" on my vista machine. Please help. I am struggling to set this up
  • And what about FTPS?

    It would be great to have an alternative to WebDAV!
  • Hi all, I think a possible solution to this problem can be the following:

    1) Install apache (or any other http server with a webdav module) on your local computer, and setup webdav to work properly

    2) Mount the remote zotero directory using sshfs on the local
    webdav directory as moutpoint

    3) Let Zotero sync using WebDAV, with localhost as webserver.

    In this way you should be syncing your remote Zotero folder with the
    local one.

    I have not tried this solution yet, but it should work.

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