"Waiting for api.zotero.org"

How long should I wait for the dbfix tool to finish[1]? The progress bar is halfway, and the message has said
"Waiting for api.zotero.org..." for 30+ min. I'm online, and api.zotero.org resolves ("Nothing to see here.") so it doesn't seem to be a connectivity error.

The DB in question is large and old -- I'm happy to wait, just worried since there's no way to tell if this process will complete.

[1] https://www.zotero.org/utils/dbfix/

----Context, FWIW----
I'm resuscitating an old library. I created a new Firefox profile for it, downloaded Zotero, put the old Zotero directory in the appropriate place, then discovered that this library needed fixing, and started the DBFix tool.

The same process (with a DB upgrade instead of DB fix) has worked fine on other (undamaged) old library backups.

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