Stuck on getting update from sync server

I was waiting for the server maintenance to complete before posting anything, but it sounds like things are done now, so:

I've been stuck on "getting updated data from sync server" for days. I've left my system running for 10 hours at a strech, too, to see if it completes, but no dice.
  • You have a queued download from 10 minutes ago. There was an issue earlier in the day (after this morning's upgrade) that left some larger syncs hanging.
  • Thank you for the response. I left it running for 5-6 hours, but ended up with this response:

    Invalid output from server (Report ID: 3f2dbc62c6)

    Will try again tomorrow.
  • I'm also stuck on "getting updated data from sync server". I've been leaving it for long stretches, and even overnight, but not having any success.
  • I'm having the same troubles. Nice turning green arrow, but no luck with the sync. Just 'getting updated data from sync server' but that does not change, even when keeping it on for long (hours) periods of time.

    if it is any help with finding out why, I have had the same problem in the weekend as well.
  • My laptop at home synced successfully yesterday, but my office computer has been in sync mode -- without a successful sync -- for several hours now. Worst part is for some reason, I can't insert references in Word documents while the sync is going on (or is that a separate problem that happened to occur simultaneously?).
  • I left the sync running for many hours today. Still stuck on "getting updated data from sync server." Tried closing the browser and restarting, no luck. Tried resetting the sync, also no luck.
  • I've been having the same problem for the past 24 hours (Zotero 2.0.9, Firefox 3.6.13, Mac OS 10.6.6). The lack of sync functionality is starting to inhibit my productivity. Is there an ETA for when this might get resolved, or is there any easy way around it?

  • I have the same problem! Do anyone know what to do about it?
  • I've changed my library yesterday at work. Removed 3 ref out of 5, so 2 were left.

    Since then, I've been on and off at home, trying to get the library to update. Still stuck with 5 ref. The server is obviously updated (it contains 2 refs).

    Most disturbing: at home (where it was not updated) why I hover over the sync button, it annnounces "sync 7 seconds" ago. It's one thing NOT to sync and announce it. It's another one to announce it WAS updated if it was NOT. That creates huge uncertainty!!

    Any chance the problem could be identified, tagged and fixed?

    I'm starting a project collaborating over zotero, am now wondering whether I shoud reconsider Mendeley or even painful old EndNote web... Please, give me hope! :-)
  • I now probably have several members of my group library leaving zotero running day and night to try to resolve the endlessly spinning green arrow "getting updated data from synch server" problem. Is this just making the problem worse? Should I try bumping all the members off and adding them back in one by one as (if) we manage to synch?
  • I am having a similar issue. Green arrow goes round and round. Need references to work on a paper while traveling and no soap. Any idea when this might be fixed?
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