Won't Generate MLA Bibliography

Hello; I've had many terrible problems with Zotero (running on win2k), ever since I tried moving my sources from my desktop to my laptop some time ago. I continued to use Zotero, however, taking care not to use the Word cite-as-you-write plugin, and instead manually pasting things into Word.

This awkward work-around has stopped Zotero from corrupting my Word documents. However there is still a problem: Zotero won't print a bibliography in MLA. It says: "An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again." It does this whether I try to export to rtf, html, or the clipboard.

Is there any way to fix this so that I can have Zotero produce a bibliography in MLA format?
  • MLA bibliography raised the same error for me, check out my thread here:


    Hope that fixes it!
  • Thanks for the suggestion; however I just tried installing the version you linked to, and it still didn't work.

    Any other suggestions as to how to make Zotero generate an MLA bibliography? I really need to generate a large bibliography in MLA style.
  • Well it seems that I can export my files to Refworks and generate an MLA bibliography from that program. Still, isn't this something Zotero should be able to do?

    I notice that in the latest version of Zotero, I can't even *select* MLA as a style (whereas I used to be able to select it, but it would generate an error when I tried generating the bibliography).

    I'd really appreciate any help that this community might be able to provide, or information about the problem my installation of Zotero seems to be having generating MLA-style bibliographies.
  • I notice that in the latest version of Zotero, I can't even *select* MLA as a style (whereas I used to be able to select it, but it would generate an error when I tried generating the bibliography).
    That's a known issue. Select another style, click OK, and then you should be able to go back and select MLA.
    Zotero won't print a bibliography in MLA. It says: "An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again." It does this whether I try to export to rtf, html, or the clipboard.
    If you export the items you're trying to generate a bibliography from to Zotero RDF (no files) and send the RDF file to support@zot....org, we'll look at the items and see what's happening.
  • edited January 12, 2008
    I notice that in the latest version of Zotero, I can't even *select* MLA as a style (whereas I used to be able to select it, but it would generate an error when I tried generating the bibliography).
    Follow-up for the selection problem on this thread.
  • Zotero won't print a bibliography in MLA. It says: "An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again." It does this whether I try to export to rtf, html, or the clipboard.
    Ticket created. Thanks for sending the RDF.
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