New format: ACM SIGCHI conference proceedings

Hi all,

I've added a new dev style to the citation styles repository for the ACM SIGCHI conference proceedings format

The format is generally described here: As far as I can tell, however, no complete specification of the format exists. I did the best I could by generalizing from the examples given at the URL above and from the references sections of papers published at previous conferences.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome!

  • Hi Eugene,

    Your new great dev style convinced me to start using Zotero, thanks!

    I tried it out, but I'm not sure if I got it right. Most of the reference is ok, but the Conference Proceeding Title is longer than the CHI'09 format suggests. How do you cope with this? Do you manually edit the Proceedings Title to be shorter? If yes, then what if I wanted to keep the long name for other publication forums? For instance NordiCHI'08 has a template in the above "long format".

    Maybe the "Conference Paper" reference type needs an additional field, "Short Proceedings Title" or something, that one could use for shorter references like CHI? For instance, if the Proceedings Title is "Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems" from 2004, then a new "Short Proc. Title" field could have just "Proc. CHI 2004". Then this new field could be used in the bibliography. What do you think?

    Or, should one fill in the "Conference Name" field, and expect the dev style to output "In Proc. CHI 2004"? If yes, what do we do with references such as "Ext. Abstracts CHI 2004"?

    Btw, should there be an "In" in the references or not? The example word template seems conflicting.

    I think your dev style is great, it already reduces the workload a lot. I hope that this feedback would contribute to an even greater dev style!

  • Eugene,

    this format is very useful. Thanks for taking the time to create this and to share it.

    Trying it out, I am finding some problems with italics that start, apparently at "book-like" entries, and that continue until the end of the section. Can you confirm the problem? If I find the time, I will try to track it down, but I notoriously lack time...

    Thanks anyway, this is very helpful.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Mikael,

    Thanks for your feedback! The issue you point out frustrates me too, but I don't see a straightforward way around it, the way things are right now.

    Having an additional "Short Conference Title" field (just like there's a "Journal Abbreviation" field) would be really helpful. Without that, there's really no way to consistently generate the short title from the full title (at least not that I'm aware of). I end up just editing that manually in the papers I write...

    Is there a process by which an additional field could be proposed? I'm fairly new to the Zotero dev community, so I'm not sure how things like that happen.

  • Hi Marc,

    I'm glad you've found the format helpful!

    I can't reproduce the issue on my side (using books and book chapters interleaved with other refs in various ways). Could you give an example citation that you're trying to include?

    I did make some minor changes to the format just now, so please update your version of the format to the latest one on the off-chance that it fixed it?

    (Also, are you using the latest versions of Zotero and the Word plugin?)

  • Hi Eugene,

    interesting, now it works fine! :-) Excellent, thanks for having done this.

    Best regards,
  • Thanks for making this available! I believe, though, that the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates are of wider currency than the ACM SIGCHI format you based your work on. The most striking difference is the square brackets that regular ACM styles use for numbering bibliography items.

    Would it be possible to have two separate ACM style variants?
  • Thanks, Eugene. The only issue I have now is that I have no idea how to import your code to become an available citation style in my bibliography. Can you please provide a step-by-step guide for dummies?

    Thanks a bunch!
    click this link. click OK on the pop-up that asks you to install. Done.
  • Even better... Thanks!!
  • Hi Eugene,

    I had a big request. Your style is really great, and I am grateful for it. Thank you for developing and sharing it with us.

    I accidentally installed Zotero 2.1b4 with MacWord Integration 3.1a1 on Firefox. Now my word document using ACM SIG citation style (dev) has changed all the running numbers, references (bibliography) format completely!! The document is now really horrible, and I cannot go back to the previous database version. (I know it is my fault not to back up the database before upgrading).

    I wondered if you could help check what happens with your dev style on the new Zotero and MacWord integration.

    I would really appreciate any suggestion on how to fix this.

    Thanks in advance!!
  • How are the "running numbers, references (bibliography) format" changed? Can you give an example?
  • Hi Rintze,

    For example, Zuboff which was previously listed as number 87 in the document, now she's listed as # 46. And number 87 becomes someone named starts with 'S'. The order is not alphabetically arranged anymore. I have no idea how it is arranged.

    The bibliography section has weird tab and indentations.
  • (cont.) the documents listed in bibliography section now look like there are two columns with a huge gap/space between the author's name and the rest details of the documents.
  • I figured out how the new version of zotero arranges my bibliography. It sorts by publication date, not the authors' last name.

    Please see the attached image to see how zotero rearranges my bibliography and those extra tabs on the document.

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