Zotero Library Erased


When trying to access zotero on one of the lab computers i was prompted to update zotero. It wouldn't let me view my library until i upgraded. Afterward,an old version of my library was restored instead of my current one.

Any suggestions on how to recover my library?

Thanks for any help!
  • you can check out the automatic back-ups iun Zotero's data folder http://www.zotero.org/support/zotero_data
    but what you describe sounds odd and not likely to occur exactly that way - i.e. part of the story is likely missing. When you say "one of the labs computers" - are you sure that computer had the most recent version of the library? Do you sync your library? It would help if you could describe your set-up in a little more detail.
  • I don't believe there've been any database upgrades since Zotero 2.0, so unless you're using Zotero 2.1 or just updated from Zotero 1.0, if you got an upgrade warning, it's more likely that you were accessing the wrong version—either because that computer never had the version you think it did or you were using a custom data directory location and the Firefox preferences got reset, as explained on the page adamsmith linked to.
  • I think it might have been working on an older version of Zotero. When my lab member tried to access her library, a message came up saying she had to upgrade. When she did, it pulled up an old version of her library. According, to my lab member it was on automatic sync, so that computer should have the most recent version of her library.

    But I will read the linked page.

    Thank you for your quick responses.
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