Add item.LibraryID and item.key to citation system


I'm using 2.1beta (the last one). With 2.0 I made a little js translator that allowed me to drag and drop directly my citation to my editor (emacs with orgmode) with the form :
where Y is item.LibraryID and X is item.key
I couldn't manage to get any translator (js) working with drag and drop (even those included in the zotero.xpi). I could manage to do a CSL for this, but it would need you to add a way to get the LibraryID and the key. And it seems that no variable (in cite.js and citeproc.js) was affected to this.

I hope there will be a way to do this easily as I used this feature a lot ! And it takes me really a long time to check in Zotero each time for my references !

Thanks !
  • This should be done with a translator, as you had done before (I was using the same feature), since the ID and key are internal Zotero fields that shouldn't be and aren't accessible from CSL.

    Can you generat debug output and report errors for an attempt to drag and drop such a citation? Can you export to the clipboard using the export translator you've created, then paste?
  • Here is a debug output using a Bibtex translator :
    Here is my 2.0 translator :

    Whichever the translator I try, it never drop any text. Only CSL are working…

    So why are the translators not working ?
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