OpenOffice now LibreOffice
Don't know how this impacts Zotero. It's probably good from a developer's perspective as it frees the software from Oracle (previously Sun).
Let's hope the new freedom allows them to innovate.
Having said that, if they manage to get a proper docx filter and handling as a result of this, then I will be cheering libreoffice on.
Development let alone innovation has been pretty slow - I had a look at what is happening to writer in 3.3 and the short answer is not much. It's got google, novell and cannonical behind it, so hopefully it will flourish.
As for OOo, there have been low-level innovations of late in OOo, ready for developers to build on. For example, they added a really cool new metadata API that is based on new metadata support I helped add to ODF. Zotero and bibliographic data was in fact a use case I explicitly included in the design documents (I largely wrote the use case document), so it would be nice if at some point a developer actually used it!
Also, seeing as Oracle owns what used to be Sun Java, openjdk support seems more pressing than ever... (of course, a C++ port would be best... but I guess since java was chosen there had to be very good reasons)
I would be interested in keeping up with any plans to integrate Zotero with OOo-based alternatives like NeoOffice and LibreOffice.