Merging Zotero libraries throug sync

Dear all,

I have 2 libraries, one at work, one at home, i though that the sync feature of zotero will basically merge the 2 libraries. The fact is that even when i push the sync button, it obviously doesn't do it ... show my work library at work, and show my home library at home ... not my "homework" library at both places ... How to i make zotero do that ?
  • Sync does what you think it does, so in general this should work.
    are you 100% positive you're syncing to the same account?
    That's the only possible explanation for seeing two different libraries here on the webpage.
  • i am 3 time 100% sure that i am syncing the same account ( i checked 3 times) so yes i am sure sync doesn't merge libraries at least folowing the direction on this either automatic and manual sync don't work. I am going to try to "reset" and see what it does (after saving a backup of my library)
  • edited November 10, 2010
    maybe I wasn't clear then.
    Which library do you see when you click on "My Library" at the top of this page?
    Since that library is stored online entirely it can not possibly be a different library when accessed from two different computers. Since you said " shows..." I assumed you were referring to that.
    Some other aspect of syncing might not be working, but lets first find out which library is actually on the Zotero server.

    Edit: I'd recommend that we first figure out what exactly the problem is before you randomly try out troubleshooting steps.
  • Somehow, reseting worked, i now have every reference in both my work computer and the library.

    But i also have duplicates now ...

    The library was the one from home.

    Thanks for your help.
  • yeah - it doesn't "merge" the way you might have hoped - i.e. it doesn't check if two references are very similar and then merges them - look around recent forum entries on duplicate detection for where we are on solutions for that.
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