Zotero plugin for Framemaker?

Dear developers,
I have been using Zotero on a regular basis, with a growing enthusiasm. I appreciate your efforts, especially when well established commercial applications like Endnote are there. My main word processor is Adobe Framemaker, which remains, outside of the TeX family, unrivaled for the creation of long technical documents. I wonder if would be possible to create a Zotero plugin for Framemaker, with similar capabilities as the existing plugins for OpenOffice and Microsoft Word. As Adobe Framemaker has still a large user base, it will help spreading even more the use of zotero and help many users.
The only tool I have found (and use) for generating bibliographies in Framemaker is Citemaker (http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~citemaker/), which might serve as a starting point.
Thank you for reading so far,
  • edited October 3, 2010
    May I also support the idea of some kind of integration Zotero+Framemaker (FM).

    Citemaker that has been developed for JabRef and FM v.5.5, works also for later versions with some minor quirks (I tested it with v.7.2). The download link above is dead. You may try the following:
    NB: no space folders with the installation. The info for maker.ini should be updated.

    I found however a more general solution in the following link, which integrates Endnote and FM:
    The idea (that at this stage requires also MS Word) is the following. By using the search function with the special characters like [[ # ]], and Copy/Paste, it reproduces in a RTF file all the EndNote temporary Citations that can be found in FM. Then it processes the file with EndNote, and it Pastes back the results into FM by adding full references (and by using the Replace Function for the temporary citations).
    Quite a lengthy process, but rather transparent. And the concept may be probably extended to any Word Processor, that has a powerful Search/Replace function.
    Can something similar be made for Zotero.
    Thank you for any help or suggestion.
  • Please look at http://www.zotero.org/support/rtf_scan -- it may work with Framemaker documents as-is.
  • edited October 3, 2010
    @Ajlyon Thank you. I was aware of the rtf scan. Yet I found two annoyances.
    1. (General).How do I reproduce this temporary citation with Zotero?: {Smith et al., 2009}. I attempted to use "Create bibliography from selected item .. /Paste to Clipboard". But with any style (even with those that say without biblio) I get the full citation record, and not just Author, date+ brackets format. Are there shortcuts, or other menus to obtain this? Writing it manually is very helpful, but it leaves the doubt that it may not be processed later with Zotero
    2. On the latter doubt: does the citation {Smith et al., 2009, p. 23} still be correctly processed? The utility that I mentioned in the previous post, was turning temporary cit. in final cit. For instance in this case: (Smith et al., 2009, p. 23). You may say that is only a change of brackets, but doing it manually it is still (a bit) annoying.
    Thanks again for any tip.

    PS: I tried the process, but with Zotero 2.1b1 that I have installed (no MS Word) the Scan RTF hangs indefinitely at the stage "Formatting citations".
  • PS: I tried the process, but with Zotero 2.1b1 that I have installed (no MS Word) the Scan RTF hangs indefinitely at the stage "Formatting citations".
    Hmm. This could be linked to the switch to the new CSL processor in 2.1. Can you create debug output (http://www.zotero.org/support/debug_output) for an attempt to process the RTF file and post the ID here?
  • edited October 3, 2010
    ID is D711605363.
    Actually this is the second ticket submission, since the first that I made just after the scan processing I did not copy it properly. Thanks for the debugging.
  • Actually a Report ID would probably be more useful.
  • Report ID 1524684728 (hope to have sent it right). I made a short report in the Troubleshooting Section.
  • edited October 8, 2010
  • As for your issue 1) - it'd be very easy to make a style that does {Smith 1776} - from within Zotero you wouldn't be able to put in a page number. I'm surprised that doesn't exist already.

    I'm not sure if RTF scan can handle page numbers (i.e. {Smith 1776, p. 45} - it'd be quite unfortunate if it couldn't, but you'll have to test that.
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