Report 2129562282

I run Zotero on my Mac, sometimes via WinXP, sometimes via Mac OS, Firefox 3.6.10. Twice I had the same kind of error, in the middle of saving a reference from a library catalog to a collection I got the following. Also the library appeared to be synching (green arrow turning) while I was saving--should I not do anything in Zotero while green arrow is turning?

Got these messages:
[JavaScript Error: "uncaught exception: getFile() can only be called on attachment items"]

[JavaScript Error: "getFile() can only be called on attachment items" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync.js" line: 872}]

[JavaScript Error: "getFile() can only be called on attachment items" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync.js" line: 872}]
  • Let me add that yesterday I got a message that my library was corrupted, I used the DB tool, and put the 'new' sqlite file that was repaired from the sqlite.damaged file into my Zotero folder, and deleted the old one.

    But the new sqlite file didn't seem to be any different from the one I had had before the damage, i.e. the references I had added yesterday morning were not there.

    Perhaps this problem is a result of that damage problem and the way I solved it?
  • Actually now I think this is a synching problem, because it happens within 2 seconds of opening the Zotero pane. I have quit Firefox, restarted computer, and am now not sure what to do.
  • Here is a possibly related problem: I don't seem to be able to open Firefox at all under Parallels. No idea why.
  • Doing some experimentation, I discover that if I uncheck in Zotero preferences the two items related to synching files (as opposed to data), there is no synch error. So this is something about where my pdfs are stored?
  • I tried re-installing Firefox in Windows and using Zotero from that. Now the green arrow doesn't stop turning.
  • I'm on European time, I guess that is one reason for the slow response on Zotero's end? Last point: the nonstop turning arrow turned out to be an error and it told me to quit Firefox.
  • Are you still experiencing a problem?
  • I have been working with Karen by email; she is still having trouble and would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Some background: Zotero was working fine in the Mac environment. However, she uses WordPerfect (modern versions run only under Windows) and has some issues unrelated to Zotero that prevent copy/paste between platforms from working properly. So, she set up Firefox and Zotero under Windows and then experienced these problems.

    Ideally, she'd like to solve the sync problem. Next best would be getting the database in a consistent state under Parallels/Windows and all future work would be done there.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.
  • We can't troubleshoot this in the abstract. We would need Report IDs and specifics.
  • Report ID: 932687023
    Report ID: 1810616663

    To reproduce the error I just press the green arrow and I have checked in my preferences "Sync attachment files using Zotero library". If I uncheck that, I don't get an error message.

    I use Mac OSX but also Windows XP in Parallels. I do use Wordperfect, hence Parallels but I have not yet ever tried to use Zotero within Wordperfect. I made sure that I have the same edition of Firefox (3.6.10) in both XP and Parallels.

    It does indeed perhaps make most sense to use Zotero only in Firefox/Parallels, because then I can switch more easily back and forth from Wordperfect to Zotero.

    My profile path is under "places", my name, Library, Application Support, Firefox, Profiles, string of letters and numbers.

    What other info do you need?
  • Another point: I can open PDFs from my Zotero library. Does this mean that my profile setup is pointing properly to those PDFs? Which means that my inability to synch files is another problem?
  • In case it makes a difference, the PDFs I can open are on my computer, not on the web.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for a sync attempt that generates this error?
  • D989339370



    These are three different (consecutive) synch attempts.
  • Now I am periodically getting messages that my database is corrupted and I should restart Firefox. I do this, and the database seems fine. I'll try to add debug ID but I'm afraid to keep making this happen in case it really does destroy my library.
  • Check your database integrity from the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences.
  • Errors were found in the Zotero database!

    You can use the database repair tool at to attempt to correct these errors

    Dan, if you want me to use the DB tool, which I already did once a few days ago:
    1. Do I delete the sqlite.damaged files (of which I now have 3)
    2. Do I replace the current sqlite file with the one the DB tool gives me to download?
    3. Please give detailed directions, I'm a newbie. Thanks!
  • Dan, if you want me to use the DB tool, which I already did once a few days ago
    If you did this a few days ago, you either didn't properly replace the damaged file or you have a serious, dangerous problem with your setup (e.g., by trying to access the same data directory from OS X and Parallels at the same time). Get someone to help you if you're unsure. You can check the DB integrity again after doing the replacement to ensure that you did it properly.

    The repair tool provides full instructions. Once the problem is resolved you can delete the .damaged files. Make a backup of everything first, as the tool says.
  • Dan, I need your help in figuring out how to fix my setup issue. What would solve the dangerous setup issue, apart from not using Zotero in OS and XP simultaneously?

    For instance, would you recommend saving the Zotero file somewhere like my desktop, and then maybe deleting BOTH Firefox applications (OS and XP) and profiles and Zotero files associated with them, then downloading Firefox in only ONE operating system, and then downloading Zotero again, and then replace the empty, new file with my saved one from my desktop? Would that make it a healthy arrangement?

    If this is a good setup, should I do this before or after the DB tool use?
  • I can't advise you on your computer setup other than to say that, if you have two different copies of Zotero on two OSes pointing to the same custom data directory, you could possibly corrupt your Zotero database if you open Firefox on both, since the locking that prevents this normally might not work across OSes.

    If you want to use Zotero in both OSes, use a separate data directory (native to each OS) and use Zotero syncing to keep them in sync.
  • Ok, after DB tool use, the database integrity report says 'no errors'. AND the file synching seems to work as well, but I'll test it a few times.

    And I'm going to use Firefox in XP/Parallels, and Safari in OS, to avoid even the chance of having two copies of Zotero going at once.

    I'll post again if there are problems when I test the file synching, but if not, THANK YOU DAN!
  • Hello all,

    I got the same error "getFile() can only be called on attachment items" ID: 434135300.

    Server synchronization worked fine after emptying the trash. I know it sounds silly, but you could try that.
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