Integration with word


Is the integration with microsoft word available already? I cant seem to find it.


  • No. Zotero doesn't yet integrate with MS Word.
  • We are working on Word integration, and it's a top priority. We'll let everyone know when it's available. As noksagt has pointed out in another thread, it is possible to export citations to RTF and then paste that into Word. But we'll have a much more seamless integration as soon as possible (as well as integration with other word processors).
  • I like th concept of Zotero very much. At the moment, I am staring to build-up my research database. However, the lack of a MS Word integration or OpenOffice suit is mayor drawback compared to commercial solutions. When do expect to have a workable word processing integration?
  • Given the comments about mimicking Endnote features, I assume that compatability with Word or OpenOffice will include the ability to format footnotes/endnotes? This is by far the best feature of Endnote, which is an otherwise clunky program. I am just beginning to experiment with Zotero, but this looks very exciting!
  • Any estimate on when we can expect to see integration with Word? I have a project coming up this Spring, and, unfortunately, if Zotero doesn't allow me to instantly create and format footnotes, internal quotations, and a customized bibliography (not the entire library) in word documents, I'm going to have to pay for a program like Citation.
  • Hi kadji,

    Integration with MS Word is right around the corner. We should have a beta release by the end of January, with full release in the spring--just in time for those mid-term research papers.
  • You can now download the alpha for word integration from the blog.
  • I'm using the Mac version of the word integration alpha. It's great. I love the way it doesn't require leaving placeholders that have to be scanned later. There's only one small problem at the moment happening in Word 2004 11.3.3 when using APA format. The parentheses don't enclose the citation, they are appearing together at the end of each citation, eg. Li, Deng, & Singh, 2007(). The bibliography, however, is formatting beautifully. Thanks so much.
  • ... I also note that the multiple citations don't seem to be working yet in this Mac alpha. And I don't understand what the page, paragraph, line popup is for. Still, it's a great start and it might even be in good enough shape for me to use it for reports in a couple of months time!
  • edited March 7, 2007
    There's only one small problem at the moment happening in Word 2004 11.3.3 when using APA format. The parentheses don't enclose the citation, they are appearing together at the end of each citation, eg. Li, Deng, & Singh, 2007().
    Any news on this? By my reckoning the new version of Zotero which fixes this simple bug should have been out by now.
  • I still cannot get the Word integration feature to install & operate with Word 2003 under XP Pro with service pack 2. Due to XP hiding certain directory paths, I have been having trouble with the add-in Word Template. The directory path given in the instructions doesn't seem to exist ( or is hidden and not easy to find or store into ). I finally somehow got the Word toolbar to show the three Zotero icons, but when I try to click on any Zotero icon in the Word toolbar, the following message appears. "The macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your Macro settings". I used the help & tried to both attach and add the the Zotero template, which I have unzipped on the desktop. Earlier I had tried to put a copy into the one "startup" folder that I could find within the "Office11" folder.

    Any help will be appreciated! Perhaps better instructions to help find the proper directory, or a more automatic installer for the template.
  • edited March 26, 2007
    Hi I just downloaded the Word integration feature (I'm working on Windows XP, Word 2000). Thanks so much for developing this! Just FYI, I'm having the same problem with the parentheses at the end of the citation reported above, and also when I format the bibliography the reference includes information on the URL where I grabbed the article and the accession date. Is there any way to shut this off ?
  • ameteorite: the first issue is a 'known problem' with this release of the MS Word macro. (from the MS_Word_integration download and instruction page: [Note that Beta 3 contains a bug that causes citations to be formatted incorrectly, with parentheses placed after the author and date. This will be fixed in the next release, and documents created with the current version can be updated and auto-corrected.]) This is already fixed, apparently, in the next release, due out 'soon'.

    I have the second trouble myself, and assume it's also a bug, since I found no way to turn it off. I assume that it too has been noticed by the developers.
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