Question: Search and identify the containing folder

Here is my problem: I have a huge library (and love zotero) with lots of sub folders. I search for a citation in Firefox, and find it, no problem. With the reference up, I now want to be able to identfy what sub-folder that citation is stored in. Is this possible?
  • This is a very usefull feature for me as well. But there is one Problem:
    When I mark an item and hit the alt key, the folder containing the item is highlighted in yellow. In order to look for this folder, I have to scroll through my expanded folder list. If I use the mouse wheel, everything works fine - but it takes long. If I use the slider of the folder-window, the folder is not highlighted anymore. The highlighting stops, once the mouse pointer hits the border of that subwindow.

    Would be nice, if:

    - the highlighting color would persist even if that subwindow ist left, so it is possible to use the slider
    - the highlighting color would be easier to notice/a little stronger

    Thanks for the excellent and extremely usefull software!

  • forgot to mention:
    Kubuntu 9.10
    Firefox 3.6.8
    Zotero 2.0.6
  • GR: Ticket created, but we probably won't get to it anytime soon. Unless you have very many collections, I wouldn't think the mouse wheel would be particularly slow to scroll through them.
  • thanks,
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