Search MyLibrary online

Would like to search my library online within the Zotero Sync-Server web pages. This might be an essential feature for people not using the local client within the browser..
  • Agreed!!

    Zotero is great! I find it extremely useful and I have just purchased Zotero storage so that I can access MyLibrary online on my iPad (pdfs and notes). However, I was very surprised to find that a search facility is not available on the website. As I have 500+ items in my library it may prove to be rather tedious to repeatedly click the next button and manually search through the list until the item I want is located. It's a shame but I don't think the online library is particularly useful until a search is added, even if it is just a search on the metadata of the reference (author, file name etc.) rather than the more powerful search within Zotero itself.

    Have I missed something and there really is a search? (fingers crossed and very willing to be humble if I'm ranting for no reason)

    Come on Zotero, yours is a great product, surely you can include a facility to search the online library?? (...please??)
  • Agreed. I would love to be able to link a non-Zotero user to a library of my lab's references, but it's just not practical without basic search (and possibly sort) functionality on the web page.
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