online citation sharing
Just checking if there are still plans underway for an online server for Zotero. It's nice to have it as a personal reference manager but I would also love to be able to share tags and citations with others, generate rss feeds for my tags, etc. in the way that social bookmarking sites do.
Of course, there's Connotea, but it doesn't have the built-in reference manager function. What would be really great, would be a Zotero/Connotea collaboration, allowing upload of Zoreto citations to Connotea...
I know, easy for me to say. But it would revolutionize reading and sharing of scientific literature...
Of course, there's Connotea, but it doesn't have the built-in reference manager function. What would be really great, would be a Zotero/Connotea collaboration, allowing upload of Zoreto citations to Connotea...
I know, easy for me to say. But it would revolutionize reading and sharing of scientific literature...
There's also been talk of a utility (plugin) to more easily sync with Connotea. If you "can't wait" & Connotea isn't sufficient, refbase or CiteULike might be (both have RSS, keywords/tags, and other reference management features).
I guess it would be even nicer to have a one-click feature to do this. Perhaps if I have time I'll take a stab at writing a plugin for zotero.
The export via the RIS, MODS formats distorts non-ascii text.
As we are a European research network working with citations not limited to the small set of English-language publications using Connotea simply can not be recommended.
Another major additional obstacle :
Connotea demands a detectable URI, PMID, DOI, or ASIN information to integrate the record in your Connotea base.
Older books don't have an URI, as far as I see.
DOI concerns US publications
PubMed concerns PubMed citations of life sciences and biomedical scientific journal articles.
ASIN emands that Amazon curently sells you. This is not the case for university publications that are published by the research institutions - and there are lots.
So sharing your citations through Conotea is NOT a solution.
Note that, until the upcoming Zotero server offers something more tightly integrated with the Zotero desktop app, you might want to use one of the other web-based applications that allow you to share accademic references. Some of them are listed here:
Most of these apps are meant to be installed on your own server, though.
months? I saw Zotz/Citeline and was very excited, but not only
is it broken at the moment, it doesn't really do "collaborative" --
it's really a one-way, single-user system. I will probably go
with Connotea (the RIS upload is a nice idea, although it will
be problematic when Zotero fails to scrape a DOI), but would
welcome any other ideas.
Probably don't have the option of setting something up on our
own server. Will avoid MyEndnoteWeb for philosophical reasons ...
Ben Bolker
But I'm sure expanded sharing settings are on the way. It will be nice to be able to decide not just which collections are visible but who gets to see them (an important consideration in using Zotero with a group of students).
As for the second issue, one suggestion would simply be to expand the number of disciplines by creating sub-disciplines. For example, knowing who is working on "Literature" is not as helpful to me as knowing who is working on "Renaissance non-dramatic literature" or "early modern ecocriticism." It might also be helpful to search for very specific things such as "who is working on Milton's sonnets?".. but I think that might best be handled with tags.
I'm really excited by the potential to share research this way. If it becomes widely used it will be like a Facebook for thinking people, and it has the potential to change the way academic work is done.
Re: fields and such, I think groups and tags are a better way to do this; more flexible. The generic fields are currently drawn from the CSL schema, where they're used to group citation styles. So, for example, in the future it'll be easier to find journal styles in your specific field.
- Bryan