protocol handler for zotero://
is is possible to register a handler for zotero? I did not manage to do so, but it seems possible according to:
Here is an app that does it:
I did not manage to get it to run, here are my steps:
protocol: zotero
application: path\to\firefox
arguments: "zotero://"%Authority%
drops the number of the article, i.e. it starts firefox with something like zotero://attachment/
It seems, that customurl does not provide access th the rest of the url.
I tried to manually edit the registry entry, open regedit
and change customUrlArgument from
shell\open\command to
FirefoxPortable.exe zotero://%1
when I type a zotero url into ie, it now opens an empty page in firefox.
Not exactly what I would like, but a beginning.
Freemind still does not recognize the protocol and gives me an "This URL is malformed", "unknown protocol" error.
In my opinion it would be very useful if zotero could register a protocol, this way articles could be linked from other documents, freemind mindmaps etc.
is is possible to register a handler for zotero? I did not manage to do so, but it seems possible according to:
Here is an app that does it:
I did not manage to get it to run, here are my steps:
protocol: zotero
application: path\to\firefox
arguments: "zotero://"%Authority%
drops the number of the article, i.e. it starts firefox with something like zotero://attachment/
It seems, that customurl does not provide access th the rest of the url.
I tried to manually edit the registry entry, open regedit
and change customUrlArgument from
shell\open\command to
FirefoxPortable.exe zotero://%1
when I type a zotero url into ie, it now opens an empty page in firefox.
Not exactly what I would like, but a beginning.
Freemind still does not recognize the protocol and gives me an "This URL is malformed", "unknown protocol" error.
In my opinion it would be very useful if zotero could register a protocol, this way articles could be linked from other documents, freemind mindmaps etc.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="URL: Zotero Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"
@="C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe \"%1\""
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"M:\\PortableApps\\FirefoxPortable\\FirefoxPortable.exe\" \"%1\""
now I can link to zotero from freeplane, very nice!
How do I link not to an attachment, but to the zotero entry itself?
I.e. not like "zotero://attachment/3083/", but directly to the zotero entry that contains that attachment?
For me this work only if I use:
Where itemid is the above mentioned one (e.g.: 0_FU33JVGS)
Thanks guys for all that work. No I can link to reference from VUE...
Any suggestions?
It works on Firefox 3.6.13 (Windows XP) with these html codes: <a href="zotero://attachment/8/">test</a>.
It can not work on Firefox 4.0 (Windows XP but another computer) with the same html codes.
A new Firefox profile is created and zotero is brand new. This problem is still existed on Firefox 4.0.
There is a error message when I disable Zotero plugin "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (zotero) isn't associated with any program." The error message is the same for 3.6.13 and 4.0.
So, I think it may be a bug of Zotero.
Any suggestions?