Error when adding citiation in OpenOffice

Hi All,

I have a problem: can't add citiation in OpenOffice. When I click on "Insert citiation" then a message pops up saying "an error occured during running the BASIC program. File can't be found." And a macro window opens and this line is highlighted:

Shell "bash -c ""echo 'OpenOffice " & cmd & "' > '" & path$ & "'"""

I use:
Zotero 2.0.3
OpenOffice plugin 3.0a8.
Mac OS 10.6.3.
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; hu; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6
Java Embedding Plugin, updated

Could you please help me? What other information would you need?

Plus info: I've re-installed the plugin. I've tried it in several (fresh) document. On this platform the plugin has not worked yet. This is the first time I tried. On a PC this plugin works fine.

Thank you
  • Try opening /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and typing the following followed by a return:

    ls -la /bin/bash
    Let us know what the output is.
  • yout mean in Mac OS Applications?

    Here it is:

    host-93-92-63-182:~ berdimark$ ls -la /bin/bash
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1346544 Feb 5 01:41 /bin/bash
    host-93-92-63-182:~ berdimark$
  • i have the same problem i am using ubunto 10.04 and the results from the comad above is
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 934336 2010-04-18 22:16 /bin/bash
  • edited June 25, 2010
    Try editing the highlighted line to change it from

    Shell "bash -c ""echo 'OpenOffice " & cmd & "' > '" & path$ & "'"""

    Shell "/bin/bash -c ""echo 'OpenOffice " & cmd & "' > '" & path$ & "'"""
    and let us know if that helps.
  • Simon, sorry for the late reply, I haven't noticed your reply!

    I tried what you recommended but it still doesn't work. When trying to add a citiation this warning appears:

    "Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again."

    I restarted the computer but that didn't help. If i reinstall Zotero processor plugin, then the old problem comes up again.

    Any other idea? :(

    Thank you very much!
  • Before I upgraded to Zotero ver 2.0.3, I had no problems adding citations to my Open 0ffice documents. Since I upgraded I can't do it anymore and I get a long string of error messages that are not in a text format that I can cut and paste. It starts out "java.lang.StringIndexOutoBoundsException: index out of range -2". It goes on for about 30 more lines.

    After I exit that box I get another error that says "Zotero experienced an error updating your document. fieldCode is null."

    I have two plug-ins in Firefox (ver 3.6.4), Zotero 2.0.3 and Zotero Open Office Integration 3.0a8. Open Office is ver 3.2.0.

    I have a screenshot of the error messages if there's an e-mail I can send it to or a way to post in here.
  • monkeyc, this is a different issue from that above, but if you could email the screenshot (and, if possible, the document that produces the error) to, we'll try to take care of it.
  • I received your document, and I'd like to fix this issue, but first I have to track down what's causing it, so as not to corrupt your document along the way.

    Do you know what version of Zotero you upgraded from?

    If you copy and paste a citation to a new document, and then try to add another citation there, do you see the same error message? If not, does copying your bibliography to a new document and then adding a citation reproduce the error?

    In the former case, would you mind emailing the document containing only the citation to
  • I am also having problems with OpenOffice (version: Br.Office 3.2). When I try to install the zotero plugin for openoffice, it returns the error "Zotero OpenOffice Integration could not complete installation because an error occurred. Please ensure that OpenOffice is closed, and then restart Firefox".
    I've repeated the procedure several times after making sure that the openoffice feature of starting when the computer initializes was disabled. I have also uninstalled both the plugin and zotero, but it keeps failing installation.
    I thank you all for any help, best
  • P.S. My OS is Windows XP and the Mozilla version installed is 3.5.7.
  • theolis - any particular reason you don't update your Firefox?
    Also - could be that Br.Office just doesn't play nice with the plugin.
  • Adam, I have reported the problem for the vs 3.5.7 that I have on my computer at work, but it also happens with the vs. 3.6.6 I have in my notebook. Br.Office is the same OpenOffice translated to Brazilian Portuguese, as the brand "openoffice" already existed in the country prior to the existence of the software (as explained in, page in Portuguese). Is it possible to check whether the same issue appears in a computer running openoffice in English?
  • I have the same problem, report ID 279915310

    OpenOffice 3.4.1
    Zotero 3.0.8
    Windows 7
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