Missing toolbar in OOo - install problems Firefox 3.6 OOO 3.2 Fedora 13 (64 bit) - solved

Hi all,

For 2 days I was racking my brain why Zotero-OpenOffice integration worked on previous versions but not any more. Just upgraded Fedora, new Firefox, new OpenOffice, latest SunJava plugin installed - checked to be used both by OOO and Firefox. Result - no toolbar in OOO. I did not find anything in support forums; the Zotero word-processor plugin troubleshooting pages said just to open preferences and re-install OpenOffice components. This did not work and there was no message indicating there may be a problem.

I opened user ~/.openoffice.org/3/user/uno_packages/cache/uno_packages directory and found the plugin actually was not there. Then I looked at processes and found that there were 2 unopkg zombie processes (I suppose from 2 attempts of reinstallation through Firefox) in the process table whose parent was firefox. I downloaded the integration plugin to harddisk; extracted the .oxt plugin and installed it with commandline unopkg. Lo and behold - there is zotero toolbar that works in OpenOffice now.

Hope this is of some use to somebody else or developers. Below is the commandline and output.

Cheers, Rob

[r0bis@localhost ~]$ unopkg add -v ~/software/ooo_plugins/Zotero_OpenOffice_Integration.oxt
Copying: Zotero_OpenOffice_Integration.oxt
Enabling: Zotero OpenOffice Integration
Enabling: Zotero
Enabling: Addons.xcu
Enabling: CalcWindowState.xcu
Enabling: StartModuleWindowState.xcu
Enabling: WriterWindowState.xcu
Enabling: BaseWindowState.xcu
Enabling: ImpressWindowState.xcu
Enabling: BasicIDEWindowState.xcu
Enabling: MathWindowState.xcu
Enabling: DrawWindowState.xcu

unopkg done.
[r0bis@localhost ~]$
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