Adding DOI to Science journal CSL

Dear Zoteroers,

The Science journal specifies that:
# For cited papers that have been published only electronically, please include the DOI.
See the last bullet point of the general notes at

This can be done by inserting the following element
<text variable="DOI" prefix=", DOI:"/>
in Zotero's CSL file, near the end (line 136), right after the element
<text variable="page" prefix=", "/>

Having consulted with Julian Onions, quoted as the original author in the CSL file, I kindly ask the Powers-that-be in charge of the Zotero.Org style repository to consider this insertion as a proposed patch to the Science journal style.

  • OK - I'll get to this soon - but if we just insert DOI as you suggest, it will print the doi for all articles, not just for ones only published electronically.
    Would the standard Zotero procedure to print DOI if no pages/page range is given work?
  • Yes.
    I missed the "only" in reading the Science specifications.
    Printing both a DOI and the automatically generated URL is obviously redundant.
    Thanks in advance.
  • OK - I've fixed up both dois and URL display for Science.
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