Open Office toolbar nowhere to be found

Hi...Running OO on Windows. I was having trouble getting the Zotero integration to work and somehow managed to lose the toolbar--I have tried re-installing Zotero, re-installing the plug-in, and re-installing OO. The Zotero toolbarappears neither in OO nor in any of the "customize toolbar" menus or "view toolbar" menus. any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  • I'm not sure I follow exactly the steps you've taken, but it doesn't sound like you've actually done this:
  • I have, perhaps a dozen times now--that's what I meant above by "re-installing the plug-in."
  • "Re-installing the plugin" to me sounds like re-installing the actual Firefox plugin (.xpi) - you have also used the "Re-install word components" button in the add-ons menu in Firefox, right?

    If so, next I'd try to search for the actual Ooo extension
    on your harddisk
  • Yes, I have tried "Re-install word components" several times--like I said, along with re-installing the actual software in question (OO and Zotero.) The paths to the relevant parts of OO show up in the same window as the "Re-install word components" and seem to be correct (they match what's in my other machine...)

    I searched for the file you mentioned--it is installed, but when I try to open it the OO extension manager comes up and freezes....

    Running out of ideas....

  • Uninstall the extension from OO, restart OO, make sure the .oxt and anything Zotero-related is gone completely from the OO installation directory, and then reinstall the component via the Firefox extension.
  • hi Dan--

    Thanks for the input--still no luck.
  • Sounds like an OpenOffice problem, frankly, rather than a Zotero one. You can find the original .oxt in 'extensions/' within your Firefox profile directory. Install that .oxt (which is all Reinstall OpenOffice Components is doing) manually, or figure out why you can't.
  • Have you seen this?

    In my experience this appeared to be Firefox/zotero problem as the install process never finished; final solution was to install oxt extension to openoffice manually through command line.
  • Fixed! It was apparently an OO problem--what finally nailed it was to re-install OO AFTER using REVO to properly scrub the registry of some settings data that OO leaves behind after an uninstall. With a "clean" re-install, everything ran smoothly.

    Thanks to all for your help...
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