Some European characters are not imported correctly

Some European characters do not import correctly. Thus when using Google Scholar, I import a name Bjørner (Scandinavian slashed O); this is stored as Bj\orner (and subsequently exported in the same ("escaped"?) format into other programs, e.g. Word).

I'm using Firefox 3.6.3 and Zotero 2.0.3 on Windows 7 64-bit. The OS and keyboard are French.

Please, what am I doing wrong?
  • Example URL?
  • Hello again. Google Scholar search terms:
    novak concept maps large scale literature review

    One of the co-authors of the first item returned is Canas where the n is the Spanish gn sound - Cañas.

    I use the yellow folder symbol and select the first item to be stored in Zotero.

    The first author is stored as:
    Ca\ nas

    This problem is, I think, recent.

    It's also not just a question of all accented characters. French characters such as é are handled correctly. So probably something to do with an interaction between character code tables???
  • yep, I can confirm that - the problem is the BibTex translator -
    I get the same result if I just import the BibTex:

    title={{Using concept maps to organize information for large scale literature reviews and technical reports: Two case studies}},
    author={Ca{\~n}as, AJ and Novak, JD},
  • Is this addressed by the BibTex patch that is currently under consideration? It sure sounds like the same issue.
  • Apparently not, unfortunately. Same result with the patched translator.
  • edited June 4, 2010
    This issue has been raised before. Zotero's reversemappingTable may translate some characters out of order. Patch submitted.
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