Looking for slightly modified Harvard style
I have trawled through much of the style repository and have yet to find the one I'm looking for. Strangely enough it is apparently called "Harvard style" although there seem to be many variants of this. Basically I want to citation to look like this:
(Wyke and Landman, 1997: 223)
i.e. a combination of comma after the author name, and colon after the year for the page number.
The bibliographic output is fairly standard and there are styles that do this already:
Jones, E. (1988). A book about something. Publisher, Place of publication.
I need a citation style that generates the right citation in the text....
Can anyone help?
Many thanks,
(Wyke and Landman, 1997: 223)
i.e. a combination of comma after the author name, and colon after the year for the page number.
The bibliographic output is fairly standard and there are styles that do this already:
Jones, E. (1988). A book about something. Publisher, Place of publication.
I need a citation style that generates the right citation in the text....
Can anyone help?
Many thanks,
If your curious about Harvard Style, see here:
Many thanks for your quick reply. I can't find any that fit my need.
The style "Harvard - adapted for Leeds Met" is the closest. It generates this:
(Gray & Leyland, 2009, p.222)
I need something that generates this:
(Gray and Leyland, 2009: 222)
NOTE: The '&' is replaced with 'and', and the ', p.' is replaced with ':'
Many thanks
I don't have time to make a whole bunch of piecemeal changes later - basically you get one stab at telling me what you want ;-)
To be honest, I can't find a suitable style that's even close to what I need.
The in-text citation should be: (Gray and Leyland, 2009: 222)
But the bibliography is different to anything I can find:
The report I'm writing (for the National Health Service in Scotland) has these requirements, and gives examples:
Here are examples:
4.8.1 Books
Jones, E. (1988). A book about something. Publisher, Place of publication.
Mueller, P., Frankly, P. and Graham, U. (1999). This is a book title in italics. Publisher, Place of publication.
4.8.2 Chapters
Smith, J. and Sharkey, N. (1999). ‘This is a chapter in an edited volume’ in Parker, JK. (ed). This is the title of Parker’s edited volume. Publisher, Place of publication.
4.8.3 Periodicals
Miller, A., Stokes, P., Franks, O. and Garland, T. (1989). This is a journal article title. This is the full journal name in italics, 7(2): 14-21.
Not sure what to do! - Appreciate your help!
Don't worry about the in-text citation at all, those are quick to fix however they look.
Maybe have a look at
Social Studies of Science
American Psychological Association 5th ed.
This is how it is currently
Zumkhawala-Cook, Richard (2008) Scotland as we know it: representations of national identity in literature (North Carolina: McFarland).
-Initial first name with period
-Insert period after year of publication.
-Remove brackets on both sides of Place: Publisher.
-Switch Place and Publisher around
-Replace ‘&’ with ‘and’
This is how it should be:
Zumkhawala-Cook, R. (2008). Scotland as we know it: representations of national identity in literature. McFarland. North Carolina.
This is how it is currently
Bousquet, Gilles & Pessin, Alain (2003) 'Culture and identity in postwar France', in Nicholas Hewitt (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern French Culture, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
-Initial first name with period
-Remove comma after title of book
-Remove brackets on both sides of Place: Publisher.
-Switch Place and Publisher around
-Replace ‘&’ with ‘and’
-replace comma after “(ed.)” with period.
-replace Full Name of Editor (“Nicholas Hewitt”) with Surname and initials: Hewitt, N.
This is how it should be:
Bousquet, G. and Pessin, A. (2003) 'Culture and identity in postwar France' in Hewitt N. (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Modern French Culture. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
This is how it is currently
Wimbush, Erica, Young, Ian & Robertson, Graham (2007) 'Developing effective policy and practice for health promotion in Scotland', Promotion & Education 14(4): 228-232.
-Initial first name
-Replace comma with period after initial; add comma after period for multiple authors
-Replace ‘&’ with ‘and’
-Place period after date
-Remove quotation marks around article title
-Replace comma with period after article title
-Insert comma after Journal name
This is how it should be:
Wimbush, E., Young, I., and Robertson, G. (2007). Developing effective policy and practice for health promotion in Scotland. Promotion & Education, 14(4): 228-232.
download the style by right-clicking and "save as" on the "Raw" link on the top right.
Install the style by dragging the file "nhs-scotland.csl" to any open Firefox window and OK when prompted. Let me know how it goes.
I have had a look. Just a few things are not quite right yet.
For journals, it needs a full stop (period) after the journal name, instead of a comma.
The in-text citation at the moment is:
(Gray & Leyland, 2009, 23)
This should be:
(Gray and Leyland, 2009: 23)
i.e. '&' should be 'and', and there should be a colon instead of a comma after the year of publication.
Would be amazing if you could make these slight modifications. This could then be uploaded as the official National Health Service Scotland style!
Many thanks
many thanks.
Is it possible to get the "et al" which appears when there are multiple authors, to be in italics? This isn't really a big deal because I can just do find and replace...but just wondered??
Many thanks for all your help. Very kind.
I am searching for a modified Harvard style used to the International Endodontic Journal. The citation format is as follows (from Endonote):
and the IEJ lists the following as it's requirements as below:
Hopefully someone out there can help.
In the text: single or double authors should be acknowledged together with the year of publication, e.g. (Pitt Ford & Roberts 1990). If more than two authors the first author followed by et al. is sufficient, e.g. (Tobias et al. 1991).
Reference list: All references should be brought together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and should be in the following form.
(i) Names and initials of up to six authors. When there are seven or more, list the first three and add et al.
(ii)Year of publication in parentheses
(iii) Full title of paper followed by a full stop (.)
(iv) Title of journal in full (in italics)
(v) Volume number (bold) followed by a comma (,)
(vi) First and last pages
Examples of correct forms of reference follow:
Standard journal article
Bergenholtz G, Nagaoka S, Jontell M (1991) Class II antigen-expressing cells in experimentally induced pulpitis. International Endodontic Journal 24, 8-14.
Corporate author
British Endodontic Society (1983) Guidelines for root canal treatment. International Endodontic Journal 16, 192-5.
Journal supplement
Frumin AM, Nussbaum J, Esposito M (1979) Functional asplenia: demonstration of splenic activity by bone marrow scan (Abstract). Blood 54 (Suppl. 1), 26a.
Books and other monographs
Personal author(s)
Gutmann J, Harrison JW (1991) Surgical Endodontics, 1st edn Boston, MA, USA: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Chapter in a book
Wesselink P (1990) Conventional root-canal therapy III: root filling. In: Harty FJ, ed. Endodontics in Clinical Practice, 3rd edn; pp. 186-223. London, UK: Butterworth.
Published proceedings paper
DuPont B (1974) Bone marrow transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency with an unrelated MLC compatible donor. In: White HJ, Smith R, eds. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Rematology; pp. 44-46. Houston, TX, USA: International Society for Experimental Hematology.
Agency publication
Ranofsky AL (1978) Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals: United States-1975. DHEW publication no. (PHS) 78-1785 (Vital and Health Statistics; Series 13; no. 34.) Hyattsville, MD, USA: National Centre for Health Statistics.8
Dissertation or thesis
Saunders EM (1988) In vitro and in vivo investigations into root-canal obturation using thermally softened gutta-percha techniques (PhD Thesis). Dundee, UK: University of Dundee.
Full reference details must be given along with the URL, i.e. authorship, year, title of document/report and URL. If this information is not available, the reference should be removed and only the web address cited in the text.
Smith A (1999) Select committee report into social care in the community [WWW document]. URL http://www.dhss.gov.uk/reports/report015285.html
[accessed on 7 November 2003]
please start a separate thread with that.
Obviously point 2) on that page is the crucial part.
This looks pretty close to APA maybe?