Webinterface for managing zotero data

Hello folks,
i was wondering wheter someone already implemented or started to implement a web-based user interface fot managing the citations of zotero. So it might look like http://www.citeulike.org/ but more comfortable.
The reason for this, is that i (and maybe some other gues) often work on some university machines where it not possible to install firefox-plugins.

i hope someone can give me a hint for a solution. And at leas need to see my bookmarks. (editing is not very important for me yet. :) )

pricipally it would be a easy job to realize such a website on ruby. (IF zotero uses some standard database formats... i still didnt look)
Maybe someone is interested :) I might join and participate the creation of it to.
  • http://www.zotero.org/blog/browse-your-zotero-library-online/
  • edited November 1, 2008
    If you can connect USB drives and are allowed to run executables, you could also try Portable Firefox:


    This would give you full access to your Zotero library.
  • It would be great to have a web interface to *enter* data into Zotero. Unfortunately I'm not able to run, portable or otherwise, Firefox from my work computer. Zotero would be invaluable at work, but without a web-interface practically pointless. I'm using Bibsonomy at the moment, but it is sloooow.
  • I second nicojx's comment. When I do research in school sometimes it's not convenient to plug my thumb drive in (school computers are rife with viruses and worms), and it would be great to be able to add citations or links for me to follow up on when I get back home.
  • I also second nicojx comment. I cannot install zotero in every computer I use, so it would be great to have a way to add entries and manage my library through a web interface. Even if it's just the basic functionality.
  • It would be very useful to have a web interface. Not all Internet Capable devices can run firefox, specifically the Wii and my PalmOS cell phone, does not have a firefox port, so I can't use Zotero on it, but there are times when it is convenient to do the research I'm doing on these devices, but without Zotero support, I have to double my work to collect research.
  • Again, it would be great to have an online interface for entering and managing citation data.

    My Zotero library is large, so syncing on public computers (that is, if I am able to install the Zotero Firefox plugin) takes a considerable amount of time.

    I hope this will be implemented soon!!
  • This will include an online interface:
  • Will this web interface allow you to go directly to the entry in Zotero if you have for example a DOI for document in the entry?

    And directly to an entry too?

    That would make it much easier to integrate things. For example you might want to write something about several entries in Zotero and publish it on the web with the direct links so people reading it can access it there (and maybe discover a Zotero group library they did not know about before).

    Of course web links to libraries are essential too.
  • but weblinks to individual items already exist? I don't understand what role the DOI (or probably better - Zotero's internal identifier) would play.
    This is an example.
  • Ah, yes they do of course exist ;-) - eh, maybe there is not more to say about that... - and library links are there too... Sorry for the stupidness.

    But the DOI link is what I was thinking about. (I should have stayed with that.)

    I imagine (and hope) it could work something like this:


    If a document with DOI-ID already is in user USER's library then show it. Otherwise add it.

    (If other identifiers, like PMCID, will be added it would be nice if they were handled this way too.)
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