Coding a list of publications


I would like to make my list of publications < > Zotero-ready. This list is automatically generated and I try to maintain the HTML code clean. Is there a way to tell Zotero "Look at that bibtex file it contains the same publications as this HTML page ?".

  • Thanks, but COiNs will not do because
    - Embedding an unreadable, very long string in the title attribute of a span tag is not clean HTML in my view.
    - I don't want to increase the page size by dupplicating content.
    - OpenURL is meant to redirect readers to their library for finding content. This is not interesting, my page provides the content already, otherwise there are DOIs and OAIs.
    - OpenURL 1.0 has no provision for DOI, OAI or URL fields.

    Regarding unAPI:
    Does it make sense to have a subdirectory of my home page populated with static pages as the unAPI server ?

    So unAPI maybe, but is there a static version of it ?
  • See also:
  • - I don't want to increase the page size by dupplicating content.
    This shouldn't be a huge concern, as your server should be using page compression & this is textual content.
    - OpenURL is meant to redirect readers to their library for finding content. This is not interesting, my page provides the content already
    I disagree with this too: my site has my publications, but some people still prefer hard copies of articles & OpenURL resolvers may provide other benefits (links to related content, etc.)
    otherwise there are DOIs
    So include these on your site: Zotero has a DOI translator.
    - OpenURL 1.0 has no provision for DOI, OAI or URL fields.
    rft_id isn't as clean as it could be, but it is a provision to provide this.
    So unAPI maybe, but is there a static version of it ?
    UnAPI should be used dynamically.

    I don't understand or agree with your resistance to COinS, but you could just use the DOI translator for now.
  • If it were possible to get your webserver to serve distinct static files for requests like<bibtex key>, then you could probably use unAPI without adding dynamic content-- but I don't know if that can be done.
  • If it's Apache, mod_rewrite should be able to do that, if you really want to.
  • Does including
    <link rel="alternate" href="files/hdm-main.bib" type="application/x-bibtex" />
    in the <head> of my page, really means
    "This list of publications in bibTeX format can be found at file/hdm-main.bib"

    Would it make sense for Zotero to follow that kind of link ? Would you accept a patch ?
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