File open window hang-up (Linux)


Thanks for all the good work on Zotero. I am trying to workaround a sync issue by doing a manual export/import. Problem is, when choosing "Importer" from the gear drop-down menu, the "open file" dialog hangs up Firefox.

- The application freeze also occurs when choosing "Open file" from the general "File" menu.
- It does not happens when I deactivate Zotero from the "Tools / Plugins" menu.
- It persists when I deactivate all other plugins but Zotero.
- I have Zotero 2.0.2, Firefox 3.5.8., Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, Intel 32 bits.

is anybody else experiencing this ?

Thanks in advance,
  • Additional information:
    - The bug is there in 2.0rc5
    - The bug was not there in 2.0b7.6

    I cannot bissect further due to /download/zotero-2.0rc[1234].xpi returning "404 Not Found".
  • Additional information: I get this in the error report:

    Failed to load XPCOM component: /usr/lib/xulrunner-

    Failed to load XPCOM component: /usr/lib/xulrunner-

    [JavaScript Error: "labelGetUbuntu is null" {file: "chrome://ubufox/content/overlay.js" line: 74}]

    [JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIChannel.contentType]" nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///usr/lib/xulrunner- :: FP_onStartRequest :: line 1440" data: no]" {file: "file:///usr/lib/xulrunner-" line: 1440}]
  • Additional information:
    The bug is there even when I start firefox with the safe-mode option.
  • Workaround:
    In the about:config page of Firefox,set ui.allow_platform_file_picker to "false".

    Additional information:
    I use Kubuntu updated with KDE SC 4.4.1.
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