better handling of unfiled items

I have been saving items and then going back to file them later. unfortunately, if they're in "my library", I can't quickly tell which ones are filed, but I can go through with CTRL to check one by one. that's terribly slow if I have more than a few new items to file!

I've created an "unfiled" search with "not in" criteria for each collection, but this is a kludge -- I shouldn't need to create it, and then I have to modify it whenever I add or change collections. (It also took me a long time to realize that it doesn't work properly unless I select "only show top-level items".)

This "unfiled" collection should be a default, and there should be some simple way of highlighting or otherwise marking unfiled items in my library (should I choose to mark them).
  • I don't add new collections often, and have never had to change my "unfiled" search, so it's not been an inconvenience to me (though setting up a saved search for 'untagged' items is still a minor carnival act, see link below), but you're right. It would be nice to have 2 optionally-shown permanent collections for unfiled and untagged items, or alternately the ability to create a savable advanced search that does the same thing, without having to always update your 'not in' list when you make a new collection.

    This makes me think that you could create your unfiled search the way I created my untagged search. It's a kludge which I hope we won't always need, but the instructions are here. You'll laugh when you read it, and it takes a while to set up, but it works for untagged items.
  • I've created a ticket for an Unfiled search condition, so we now have tickets for both Unfiled and Untagged. Thanks.
  • It's been a couple of years since this ticket was filed? I'm a new user and have made a mess of my collections which I wish to clean up- first off, by ensuring all my references are properly stored in a collection. Is there now an easy way to create a saved search, say a wildcard character for the collection name, or a way to create a folder where "unfiled things" go?? Thanks!
  • bump. I'd still love to have untagged and unfiled searches; thanks!
  • I agree, these are much needed and useful features requested. Why are such basic features not implemented that made me not use zotero so far. The ticket is more than two years old!!
  • Suggestions:

    1. A single, downloadable manual containing all the more-detailed instructions could be useful. I could not locate one on the Zotero site. (I ploughed through all I could find, and asembled them into one PDF for myself.)

    2. Colleen presented the example of prior research on 3 X 5 cards. My situation is a pile of research (mostly .pdfs) in folders.
    a. One problem is that some of my .PDFs are so old they lack metadata.
    b. The objective is to move them to Zotero, not copy them in Zotero.

    3. Finding/listing untagged items would be useful for clean-up tasks, but I find that the ticket for this is around three years old. (I mentioned this once before on this forum.) It would seem that the selection query (Items_With_No_Tags) would be (For Zotero 1.0):

    SELECT items.itemID, items.itemTypeID
    FROM items LEFT JOIN itemTags ON items.itemID = itemTags.itemID
    WHERE (((itemTags.itemID) Is Null));

    Building the output list depends upon the table definitions and relationships, which I have not had time to trace.
  • I'd like this feature also, and maybe also be able to set the "not filed" as default instead of my library.

    I've managed to have a workaround though, which works ok for me. That's probably because I work with sub sub-sub and sub-sub-sub-collections a lot and don't change the top level collections folders a lot.

    Here is how I did it:
    Just add a saved search, name it "not filed" and
    - select: find with all of the following
    - add a search entry for every top-level collection: Select: Collection - is not - your-top level-collection-name
    - check all three options below (sub-directories, just elements in first level, include all levels)

    Should work fine now, if you don't add new top-level-collections every day.

  • @dennisdd

    Thank you so much for posting this workaround, a feature like this has been on my wishlist for about a year now and somehow I missed the "subfolders" search option. I have only 4 top level collections, which are very stable, but almost 200 subcollections within those so this is a perfect workaround for me. Now I just have to work out where to file the 122 lost and unfiled items your method has revealed!

    For people who have a larger number of top level collections, or a more fluid top level collection list an extension to this workaround would be to make all current top-level collections subcollections of a single top level collection (by drag-and-drop). This is slightly less smooth (as it results in a superfluous level of nesting) but it should work alright AFAIK.
  • @Bionatsci:

    Thank you. It's my pleasure.

    Take care,
  • THANKS to both of you!
    A pity though that one has to resort to such tricks.
  • I would like to see the context menu in FireFox (I say FF now because I downgraded to 3.011 for speed reasons, and must use a plug-in called IE Tab, to get all the features on this page)

    Anyway... I'd like the Context menu to include not only the Create note, selection but too include another that will direct the newly created item to certain "Favorite Folders" within the library. I think a list of ten would be a good default number.

    It would be>>>Zotero>>Create Note>>>Send to Folder 1-2-3-4-ABC-DFG-etc
  • On the trunk, I've implemented a "Show Unfiled Items" context menu option on libraries, which adds an "Unfiled Items" virtual saved search.

    This will be available in 2.1b7, which should be out within the next few days.
  • Fantastic, thank you!
  • I still do not see this "show unfiled items" when I right click on my library. I have tried everything I could think of to get this option but I just don't see it on my PC. However, I have seen it on my Ipad. Unfortunately I do not work on my ipad too much. Is this some glitch that others have run into.
  • edited February 2, 2012
    shobbs: Where exactly are you looking? That feature isn't currently available on the website. (And you didn't see it on your iPad, since the Zotero client doesn't run on the iPad (though there's now a third-party iPad app).)
  • Hi, it would be great if the Unfiled Items virtual saved search applied to saved searches in addition to manual collections. I am organizing my library primarily by saved searches, and it would be useful to see which items are not included in any saved search.
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