Changing data directory resets to profile directory
I keep my different Zotero libraries in different data directories which I used to be able to switch easily in the preferences dialogue. In 2.0, however, whenever I switch to another directory and restart FF the profile directory is enabled. Only after having switched to the desired directory for the second time am I able to load my library. Am I doing anything wrong?
dstillmanWorks for me on OS X. Provide the exact steps to reproduce.
SteveMI also have to select "custom" the second time to load various Zotero libraries. Didn't have to do this extra step before Zotero 2.0.
jgrHaving upgraded to 2.0.2 I can't reproduce the problem any longer (though I have some problems with Firefox aborting the restart process, probably due to my automatically deleting the session data on every exit). In the changelog I see the problem is fixed. Thanks a lot. That was quick!