Information pane mangled when scrolling. Zotero 2. Linux.

Error Report ID: 463368757

Fedora 12 Linux.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100122 Fedora/3.6.1-1.fc13 Firefox/3.6

I've been experiencing this since a good few RCs and betas back but hoped it might be fixed in 2.0 final.

The third pane, the one on the right hand side with all the record's information in e.g. Author, Date, Title becomes impossible to read the fields if you scroll up and down.

It's like a graphical glitch where what you were viewing become stuck, and say if I want to add a Date, so I scroll down, I can see that the top and bottom of this pane is moving but the middle is not updated with the new content.

A workaround is to switch tabs, to say the Notes tab, then back to the Info tab. This refreshes it so that I can see the Date field. If I want to then go back and change Author I've got to do the same thing.

Thanks in advance for the help. I think this is probably a bug of some sort.
  • Strange. I tried to take a screenshot with PrintScreen of the graphical glitch but when I press it, it seems to iron it out so it's like another workaround to switching tabs. It also visually appears fixed in the screenshot that's taken.
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