Help about uppercase

I need to modify a style to have the author Firsname with uppercase in the bibliography (SMITH J) I added the line "" to the author macro "see below) but it doesn't work.
Could someone help ?

  • edited March 2, 2010
    <macro name="author" >
    <names variable="author" suffix=". " >
    <text text-case="uppercase" >
    <name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" >

    I had to copy this out of the page code (use < code > < /code> if you're in html mode or use the text mode to post xml on the forum) but that's roughly what you have?
    put text-case="uppercase" in the name string, right before sort-separator.
    <name text-case="uppercase" sort-sparator=" " ....
  • It's OK
    13 mn to get the answer: Great !
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