Re-exporting to same library fails

I'm not sure if this is related to my installation or not. But it seems I can only export "My Library" as RDF once. Any attempts to re-export to an already exported repository results in a hung exporting status window requiring a re-boot of Firefox. I have replicated this on serveal occasions on my Windows XP box here at work and will also check this out on my Linux box at home. Has anyone else tried this or can replicate this?
  • I cannot replicate this problem on Windows XP or in MacOS X. Please try starting Firefox from the command line in Win XP. Then try exporting your library twice, and see if Zotero throws any error messages to the command line.
  • edited November 9, 2006
    Do you have files attached to any of your references? I had a problem with a hung re-export with attached files... see
  • edited November 10, 2006
    After having tested on my Linux box I can identify that the problem is ....ME :)

    To clarify my previous post I should state that this problem did not lock-up Firefox just that Windows does not provide any mechanism to kill the pop-up status window i.e. it can only be killed by restarting Firefox. In Linux I have the same export problem but X permits me to kill the pop-up status window.

    So, what am I doing wrong? Specifically this, when I choose export for the first time and I am afforded the opportunity to export both both Notes and Files I was unsure what this meant as a new user and simply elected to check both check boxes. Even though on reflection I realize I didn't have any files attached. The first time I created my export it worked but when I chose re-export using the same options i.e. Notes and Files (without any files attached) the export status pop-up window hangs and never exits.

    So, t here you have it ...user error although there may be some users who like me may simply check both boxes--just to be safe.
  • Well, it's still our bug, actually—even if X permits you to close the window, the fact that it's getting stuck open in the first place means there's an error occurring that's breaking the export process. You should also be able to check both checkboxes even if there are no attachments (or it should be grayed out).

    I suspect you're really seeing the same bug as jverber—that, when there are attachments, it sets the folder name internally and doesn't check for existing files, whereas when you export without attachments you choose the actual filename it will use in the Save dialog, and the OS prompts you if you want to replace an existing file.
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