How to sort child notes

Maybe this issue has been discussed elsewhere, I couldn't find it through a search, but if it has please point me in that direction.

I have documents with multiple child notes, sometimes numbering over 100- this relates to archival material, and I'm preserving the original numbering system. Is there a way to change the way that the notes are organized? Currently it looks something like this; 1, 10, 101, 105, 11, 110, 112, 12, 125, 2, 25, 26, 3, 31, etc. I would like to be able to have them organized sequentially.

Two other short questions; is there a shortcut to add a child note, or a way to assign one? Secondly, I write my notes in word, and then copy/paste them into zotero. Is there a way to preserve different coloured fonts when pasted into zotero. By default it assigns all text as black.

Thanks for your help.
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